Source code for bionetgen.atomizer.writer.bnglWriter

#!/usr/bin/env python

# import sys
# from importlib import reload
# reload(sys)
# sys.setdefaultencoding("ISO-8859-1")

import re
from copy import deepcopy
from bionetgen.atomizer.utils.util import TranslationException, logMess
import string

    # 3.0.0 and above
    from pyparsing import pyparsing_common

    csl = pyparsing_common.comma_separated_list
except ImportError:
    # below 3.0.0
    from pyparsing import commaSeparatedList as csl
import pyparsing
from itertools import dropwhile

# import StringIO
from io import StringIO
import pyparsing as pyp

[docs]def evaluatePiecewiseFunction(function): pass
[docs]def bnglReaction( reactant, product, rate, tags, translator=[], isCompartments=False, reversible=True, comment="", reactionName=None, ): finalString = "" # if translator != []: # translator = balanceTranslator(reactant,product,translator) if len(reactant) == 0 or (len(reactant) == 1 and reactant[0][1] == 0): finalString += "0 " for index in range(0, len(reactant)): tag = "" if reactant[index][2] in tags and isCompartments: tag = tags[reactant[index][2]] translated = printTranslate(reactant[index], tag, translator) finalString += translated if index < len(reactant) - 1: finalString += " + " if reversible: finalString += " <-> " else: finalString += " -> " if len(product) == 0: finalString += "0 " for index in range(0, len(product)): tag = "" if isCompartments: if len(product[index]) > 2 and product[index][2] in tags: tag = tags[product[index][2]] translated = printTranslate(product[index], tag, translator) finalString += translated if index < len(product) - 1: finalString += " + " finalString += " " + rate + " " + comment finalString = re.sub(r"(\W|^)0\(\)", "0", finalString) if reactionName: finalString = "{0}: {1}".format(reactionName, finalString) return finalString
[docs]def printTranslate(chemical, tags, translator={}): tmp = [] if chemical[0] not in translator: app = chemical[0] + "()" + tags else: translator[chemical[0]].addCompartment(tags) app = str(translator[chemical[0]]) if float(int(chemical[1])) == chemical[1]: for item in range(0, int(chemical[1])): tmp.append(app) else: idx = logMess( "ERROR:SIM205", "Cannot deal with non integer stoicheometries: {0}* {1}".format( chemical[1], chemical[0] ), ) tmp.append(app) return " + ".join(tmp)
[docs]def balanceTranslator(reactant, product, translator): rMolecules = [] pMolecules = [] newTranslator = {} for species in reactant: if species[0] in translator: newTranslator[species[0]] = deepcopy(translator[species[0]]) rMolecules.extend(newTranslator[species[0]].molecules) for species in product: if species[0] in translator: newTranslator[species[0]] = deepcopy(translator[species[0]]) pMolecules.extend(newTranslator[species[0]].molecules) for rMolecule in rMolecules: for pMolecule in pMolecules: if == overFlowingComponents = [ x for x in rMolecule.components if not in [ for y in pMolecule.components] ] overFlowingComponents.extend( [ x for x in pMolecule.components if not in [ for y in rMolecule.components] ] ) rMolecule.removeComponents(overFlowingComponents) pMolecule.removeComponents(overFlowingComponents) return newTranslator
[docs]def rindex(lst, item): """ returns the last ocurrence of an element in alist """ try: return next(dropwhile(lambda x: lst[x] != item, reversed(range(len(lst))))) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("rindex(lst, item): item not in list")
[docs]def bnglFunction( rule, functionTitle, reactants, compartments=[], parameterDict={}, reactionDict={} ): def powParse(match): if == "root": exponent = "(1/%s)" % else: exponent = if in ["root", "pow"]: operator = "^" return "({0}){1}({2})".format(, operator, exponent) def compParse(match): translator = { "gt": ">", "lt": "<", "and": "&&", "or": "||", "geq": ">=", "leq": "<=", "eq": "==", "neq": "!=", } exponent = operator = translator[] return "{0} {1} {2}".format(, operator, exponent) def ceilfloorParse(math): flag = False if == "ceil": flag = True if flag: return "min(rint({0}+0.5),rint({0} + 1))".format( else: return "min(rint({0}-0.5),rint({0}+0.5))".format( def parameterRewrite(match): return + "param_" + + def constructFromList(argList, optionList): parsedString = "" idx = 0 translator = { "gt": ">", "lt": "<", "and": "&&", "or": "||", "geq": ">=", "leq": "<=", "eq": "==", } while idx < len(argList): if type(argList[idx]) is list: parsedString += "(" + constructFromList(argList[idx], optionList) + ")" elif argList[idx] in optionList: if argList[idx] == "ceil": parsedString += "min(rint(({0}) + 0.5),rint(({0}) + 1))".format( constructFromList(argList[idx + 1], optionList) ) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] == "floor": parsedString += "min(rint(({0}) -0.5),rint(({0}) + 0.5))".format( constructFromList(argList[idx + 1], optionList) ) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] in ["pow"]: index = rindex(argList[idx + 1], ",") parsedString += ( "((" + constructFromList(argList[idx + 1][0:index], optionList) + ")" ) parsedString += ( " ^ " + "(" + constructFromList(argList[idx + 1][index + 1 :], optionList) + "))" ) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] in ["sqr", "sqrt"]: tag = "1/" if argList[idx] == "sqrt" else "" parsedString += ( "((" + constructFromList(argList[idx + 1], optionList) + ") ^ ({0}2))".format(tag) ) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] == "root": index = rindex(argList[idx + 1], ",") tmp = ( "1/(" + constructFromList(argList[idx + 1][0:index], optionList) + "))" ) parsedString += ( "((" + constructFromList(argList[idx + 1][index + 1 :], optionList) + ") ^ " + tmp ) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] == "piecewise": index1 = argList[idx + 1].index(",") try: index2 = argList[idx + 1][index1 + 1 :].index(",") + index1 + 1 try: index3 = ( argList[idx + 1][index2 + 1 :].index(",") + index2 + 1 ) except ValueError: index3 = -1 except ValueError: parsedString += constructFromList( [argList[idx + 1][index1 + 1 :]], optionList ) index2 = -1 if index2 != -1: condition = constructFromList( [argList[idx + 1][index1 + 1 : index2]], optionList ) result = constructFromList( [argList[idx + 1][:index1]], optionList ) if index3 == -1: result2 = constructFromList( [argList[idx + 1][index2 + 1 :]], optionList ) else: result2 = constructFromList( ["piecewise", argList[idx + 1][index2 + 1 :]], optionList, ) parsedString += "if({0},{1},{2})".format( condition, result, result2 ) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] in ["and", "or"]: symbolDict = {"and": " && ", "or": " || "} indexArray = [-1] elementArray = [] for idx2, element in enumerate(argList[idx + 1]): if element == ",": indexArray.append(idx2) indexArray.append(len(argList[idx + 1])) tmpStr = argList[idx + 1] for idx2, _ in enumerate(indexArray[0:-1]): elementArray.append( constructFromList( tmpStr[indexArray[idx2] + 1 : indexArray[idx2 + 1]], optionList, ) ) parsedString += symbolDict[argList[idx]].join(elementArray) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] == "lambda": tmp = "(" # ASS2019 - I'm not sure if this is an actual solution or # this should just never happen. argList[idx+1] sometimes # returns _only_ ['0'] and thus the following call fails with # ValueError. Not sure if the list is built wrong or this # result is not handled correctly. Either way, this, for now, # skirts the issue. try: upperLimit = rindex(argList[idx + 1], ",") except ValueError: idx += 1 continue parsedParams = [] for x in argList[idx + 1][0:upperLimit]: if x == ",": tmp += ", " else: tmp += "param_" + x parsedParams.append(x) # tmp = ''.join([x for x in constructFromList(argList[idx+1][0:upperLimit])]) tmp2 = ") = " + constructFromList( argList[idx + 1][rindex(argList[idx + 1], ",") + 1 :], optionList, ) for x in parsedParams: while"(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(x), tmp2) != None: tmp2 = re.sub( r"(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(x), r"\1param_\2 \3", tmp2 ) idx += 1 parsedString += tmp + tmp2 else: parsedString += argList[idx] idx += 1 return parsedString def changeToBNGL(functionList, rule, function): oldrule = "" # if the rule contains any mathematical function we need to reformat while any( ["(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(x), rule) != None for x in functionList ] ) and (oldrule != rule): oldrule = rule for x in functionList: rule = re.sub("({0})\(([^,]+),([^)]+)\)".format(x), function, rule) if rule == oldrule: logMess("ERROR:TRS001", "Malformed pow or root function %s" % rule) print("meep") return rule # rule = changeToBNGL(['pow','root'],rule,powParse) rule = changeToBNGL(["gt", "lt", "leq", "geq", "eq"], rule, compParse) # rule = changeToBNGL(['and','or'],rule,compParse) flag = True contentRule = ( pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.alphanums + "_") | "," | "." | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "^" | "&" | ">" | "<" | "=" | "|" ) parens = pyparsing.nestedExpr("(", ")", content=contentRule) finalString = "" # remove ceil,floor if any( ["(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(x), rule) != None for x in ["ceil", "floor", "pow", "sqrt", "sqr", "root", "and", "or"] ] ): argList = parens.parseString("(" + rule + ")").asList() rule = constructFromList( argList[0], ["floor", "ceil", "pow", "sqrt", "sqr", "root", "and", "or"] ) while "piecewise" in rule: argList = parens.parseString("(" + rule + ")").asList() rule = constructFromList(argList[0], ["piecewise"]) # remove references to lambda functions if "lambda(" in rule: lambdaList = parens.parseString("(" + rule + ")") functionBody = constructFromList(lambdaList[0].asList(), ["lambda"]) flag = False rule = "{0}{1}".format(functionTitle, functionBody) tmp = rule # delete the compartment from the rate function since cBNGL already does it # this is not true as seen by the test for compartment in compartments: # if len(reactants) < 2: # tmp = re.sub('^{0}\s*[*]'.format(compartment[0]),'',tmp) # tmp = re.sub('([*]\s*{0})$'.format(compartment[0]),'',tmp) if compartment[0] in tmp: tmp = re.sub( r"(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(compartment[0]), r"\1 {0} \3".format(str(compartment[1])), tmp, ) # tmp = re.sub(r'(\W)({0})(\W)'.format(compartment[0]),r'\1%s\3' % str(compartment[1]),tmp) # logMess('INFO:MSC005','Exchanging reference to compartment %s for its dimensions' % compartment[0]) # change references to time for time() # tmp =re.sub(r'(\W|^)(time)(\W|$)',r'\1time()\3',tmp) # tmp =re.sub(r'(\W|^)(Time)(\W|$)',r'\1time()\3',tmp) while"(\W|^)inf(\W|$)", tmp) != None: tmp = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(inf)(\W|$)", r"\1 1e20 \3", tmp) # BNGL has ^ for power. if flag: finalString = "%s = %s" % (functionTitle, tmp) else: finalString = tmp # change references to local parameters for parameter in parameterDict: finalString = re.sub( r"(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(parameter), r"\g<1>{0}\g<3>".format(parameterDict[parameter]), finalString, ) # change references to reaction Id's to their netflux equivalent for reaction in reactionDict: if reaction in finalString: finalString = re.sub( r"(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(reaction), r"\g<1>{0}\g<3>".format(reactionDict[reaction]), finalString, ) # combinations '+ -' break ibonetgen finalString = re.sub(r"(\W|^)([-])(\s)+", r"\1-", finalString) # changing reference of 't' to time() # finalString = re.sub(r'(\W|^)(t)(\W|$)',r'\1time()\3',finalString) # pi finalString = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(pi)(\W|$)", r"\g<1>3.1415926535\g<3>", finalString) # print(reactants,finalString) # log for log 10 finalString = re.sub(r"(\W|^)log\(", r"\1 ln(", finalString) # reserved keyword: e finalString = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(e)(\W|$)", r"\g<1>__e__\g<3>", finalString) # changing ceil # avoiding variables whose name starts with a number # removing mass-action elements tmp = finalString # print(finalString,reactants) # for reactant in reactants: # finalString = re.sub(r'(\W|^)({0}\s+\*)'.format(reactant[0]),r'\1',finalString) # finalString = re.sub(r'(\W|^)(\*\s+{0}(\s|$))'.format(reactant[0]),r'\1',finalString) # print(finalString) # if finalString != tmp: # logMess('WARNING','Removed mass action elements from ) return finalString
[docs]def curateParameters(param): """ The objective of this function is to remove elements extraneous to bionetgen """ for element in range(0, len(param)): tmp = param[element] while"(\W|^)inf(\W|$)", tmp) != None: tmp = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(inf)(\W|$)", r"\g<1>1e20\g<3>", tmp) param[element] = tmp return param
[docs]def finalText( comments, param, molecules, species, observables, rules, functions, compartments, annotations, fileName, ): # output = open(fileName,'w') output = StringIO() # output.write(comments.decode('ascii','ignore')) output.write(comments) output.write("begin model\n") param = curateParameters(param) output.write(sectionTemplate("parameters", param)) if len(compartments) > 0: output.write(sectionTemplate("compartments", compartments)) output.write( sectionTemplate("molecule types", molecules, annotations["moleculeTypes"]) ) output.write(sectionTemplate("seed species", species)) output.write(sectionTemplate("observables", observables)) if len(functions) > 0: output.write(sectionTemplate("functions", functions)) output.write(sectionTemplate("reaction rules", rules)) output.write("end model\n") # output.write('generate_network({overwrite=>1})\n') # output.write('simulate({method=>"ode",t_end=>100,n_steps=>100})') # output.write('writeXML()\n') # with open(fileName,'w') as outputFile: # outputFile.write(output.getvalue()) # output.close() return output.getvalue()
[docs]def sectionTemplate(name, content, annotations={}): section = "begin %s\n" % name temp = [] for line in content: if line in annotations: for ann in annotations[line]: temp.append("\t%s\n" % ann) temp.append("\t%s\n" % line) # temp = ['\t%s\n' % line for line in content] section += "".join(temp) section += "end %s\n" % name return section
# 341,6,12
[docs]def extendFunction(function, subfunctionName, subfunction): def constructFromList(argList, optionList, subfunctionParam, subfunctionBody): parsedString = "" idx = 0 while idx < len(argList): if type(argList[idx]) is list: parsedString += ( "(" + constructFromList( argList[idx], optionList, subfunctionParam, subfunctionBody ) + ")" ) elif argList[idx] in optionList: tmp = subfunctionBody commaIndexes = [0] commaIndexes.extend( [i for i, x in enumerate(argList[idx + 1]) if x == ","] ) commaIndexes.append(len(argList[idx + 1])) instancedParameters = [ argList[idx + 1][commaIndexes[i] : commaIndexes[i + 1]] for i in range(0, len(commaIndexes) - 1) ] for parameter, instance in zip(subfunctionParam, instancedParameters): if "," in instance: instance.remove(",") parsedParameter = ( " ( " + constructFromList( instance, optionList, subfunctionParam, subfunctionBody ) + " ) " ) tmp = re.sub( r"(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(parameter.strip()), r"\1{0} \3".format(parsedParameter), tmp, ) parsedString += " " + tmp + " " idx += 1 else: if argList[idx] == "=": parsedString += " " + argList[idx] + " " else: parsedString += argList[idx] idx += 1 return parsedString param = subfunction.split(" = ")[0][len(subfunctionName) + 1 : -1] # ASS2019: There are cases where the fuction doesn't have a definition and the # following line errors out with IndexError, let's handle it. try: body = subfunction.split(" = ")[1] except IndexError as e: logMess( "ERROR:TRS002", "This function doesn't have a definition, note that atomizer doesn't allow for function linking: {}".format( subfunction ), ) raise TranslationException( f"ERROR:TRS002: This function doesn't have a definition, note that atomizer doesn't allow for function linking: {subfunction}" ) while ("(\W|^){0}\([^)]*\)(\W|$)".format(subfunctionName), function) != None ): contentRule = ( pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.alphanums + "_.") | "," | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "^" | "&" | ">" | "<" | "=" | "|" ) parens = pyparsing.nestedExpr("(", ")", content=contentRule) subfunctionList = parens.parseString("(" + function + ")").asList() function = constructFromList( subfunctionList[0], [subfunctionName], param.split(","), body ) return function