Source code for bionetgen.simulator.librrsimulator

from .bngsimulator import BNGSimulator

[docs]class libRRSimulator(BNGSimulator): """ libRoadRunner simulator wrapper Attributes ---------- sbml: str the SBML used by the underlying libRoadRunner simulator Properties ---------- simulator: obj the python object that runs the actual simulation. Any subclass implementing a BNGSimulator should set this property and make it so that setting the simulator object to the file path given to initialize the BNGSimulator class initializes the simulator object in turn. Methods ------- simulate(args) Uses the arguments provided to call the underlying simulator """ @property def simulator(self): """ simulator attribute that stores the instantiated simulator object and also saves the SBML text in the sbml attribute """ return self._simulator @simulator.setter def simulator(self, model): try: import roadrunner as rr self._simulator = rr.RoadRunner(model) except ImportError: print("libroadrunner is not installed!") @property def sbml(self): """ sbml attribute which is just the SBML string with which the libRR instance is instantiated with """ if not hasattr(self, "_sbml"): self._sbml = self.simulator.getCurrentSBML() return self._sbml @sbml.setter def sbml(self, model_str): self._sbml = model_str
[docs] def simulate(self, *args, **kwargs): """ generic simulate front-end that passes the args and kwargs to the underlying simulator object """ return self.simulator.simulate(*args, **kwargs)