Source code for bionetgen.simulator.csimulator

import ctypes, os, tempfile, bionetgen
import numpy as np

from distutils import ccompiler
from .bngsimulator import BNGSimulator
from bionetgen.main import BioNetGen
from bionetgen.core.exc import BNGCompileError

# This allows access to the CLIs config setup
app = BioNetGen()
conf = app.config["bionetgen"]
def_bng_path = conf["bngpath"]

[docs]class RESULT(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ("status", ctypes.c_int), ("n_observables", ctypes.c_int), ("n_species", ctypes.c_int), ("n_tpts", ctypes.c_int), ("obs_name_len", ctypes.c_int), ("spcs_name_len", ctypes.c_int), ("observables", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)), ("species", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)), ("obs_names", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)), ("spcs_names", ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char)), ]
[docs]class CSimWrapper: """ Wrapper class for the compiled C simulator shared library. The class loads the compiled C shared library and passes pointers to the initial species arrays and parameter arrays to the shared library, runs the simulation and returns the results as numpy named arrays. """ def __init__(self, lib_path, num_params=None, num_spec_init=None): # we need the result struct to reconstruct the object self.return_struct = RESULT # load the shared library self.lib = ctypes.CDLL(lib_path) # set the return type of the simulate function to a pointer # we'll use it to reconstruct the RESULT object from it later self.lib.simulate.restype = ctypes.c_void_p # set number of parameters self.num_params = num_params # set number of initial species values self.num_spec_init = num_spec_init
[docs] def set_species_init(self, arr): """ Set the initial species values array """ # TODO: Transition to BNGErrors and logging assert len(arr) == self.num_spec_init self.species_init = np.array(arr, dtype=np.float64)
[docs] def set_parameters(self, arr): """ Set the parameter values array """ # TODO: Transition to BNGErrors and logging assert len(arr) == self.num_params self.parameters = np.array(arr, dtype=np.float64)
[docs] def simulate(self, t_start=0, t_end=100, n_steps=100): """ Run the simulate command of the shared C library. This function will construct a timepoint array from the given arguments and then pass the timepoints, parameters and initial species to the simulate command. Take the result pointer and convert the pointer back to a result struct and then construct named numpy arrays to return observable and species values over time. """ # generate the time point array del_t = (t_end - t_start) / float(n_steps) timepoints = np.arange(t_start, t_end + 1, del_t) ntpts = len(timepoints) # call the simulate command self.result = self.return_struct.from_address( self.lib.simulate( ntpts, ctypes.c_void_p(, self.num_spec_init, ctypes.c_void_p(, self.num_params, ctypes.c_void_p(, ) ) # we need to pull the observable names and get a list of them obs_names = ctypes.cast( self.result.obs_names, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * self.result.obs_name_len), )[0].value.decode() obs_names = obs_names.split("/")[:-1] # same thing with species names spcs_names = ctypes.cast( self.result.spcs_names, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char * self.result.spcs_name_len), )[0].value.decode() spcs_names = spcs_names.split("/")[:-1] # cast the observables into a named numpy array buffer_as_ctypes_arr_obs = ctypes.cast( self.result.observables, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double * ntpts * self.result.n_observables), )[0] observables = np.frombuffer(buffer_as_ctypes_arr_obs, np.float64) fmt = ["f8"] * len(obs_names) obs_all = np.reshape(observables, (self.result.n_observables, ntpts)) obs_all = np.core.records.fromarrays(obs_all, names=obs_names, formats=fmt) # cast the species into a named numpy array buffer_as_ctypes_arr_spc = ctypes.cast( self.result.species, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double * ntpts * self.result.n_species), )[0] species = np.frombuffer(buffer_as_ctypes_arr_spc, np.float64) fmt = ["f8"] * len(spcs_names) spcs_all = np.reshape(species, (self.result.n_species, ntpts)) spcs_all = np.core.records.fromarrays(spcs_all, names=spcs_names, formats=fmt) # free the memory used for the results struct self.lib.free_result(ctypes.byref(self.result)) del self.result # return named numpy arrays return (timepoints, obs_all, spcs_all)
[docs]class CSimulator(BNGSimulator): """ Object that bridges the BNG model object and the CSimWrapper object. The point of this object is to deal with the compilation of the shared library and pass the correct parameter and initial species values to the wrapper object. """ def __init__(self, model_file, generate_network=False): # check cvode library paths if (conf.get("cvode_include") is None) or (conf.get("cvode_lib") is None): print("CVODE include and library paths are not set, compilation won't work") # let's load the model first if isinstance(model_file, str): # load model file self.model = bionetgen.bngmodel( model_file, generate_network=generate_network ) elif isinstance(model_file, bionetgen.bngmodel): # loaded model self.model = model_file cd = os.getcwd() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: os.chdir(tmpdirname) self.model.actions.clear_actions() self.model.write_model(f"{self.model.model_name}_cpy.bngl") self.model = bionetgen.bngmodel( f"{self.model.model_name}_cpy.bngl", generate_network=generate_network, ) os.chdir(cd) else: print(f"model format not recognized: {model_file}") # set compiler self.compiler = ccompiler.new_compiler() self.compiler.add_include_dir(conf.get("cvode_include")) self.compiler.add_library_dir(conf.get("cvode_lib")) # compile shared library self.compile_shared_lib() # setup simulator self.simulator = self.lib_file def __str__(self): return f"C/Python Simulator, params: {self.model.parameters} \ninit species: {self.model.species}" def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def compile_shared_lib(self): # run and get CPY file # make sure we don't have actions self.model.actions.clear_actions() self.model.actions.add_action("generate_network", {"overwrite": 1}) self.model.actions.add_action("writeCPYfile", {}) # for now run and write the .c file in the current folder, out=os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) # compile CPY file c_file = f"{self.model.model_name}_cvode_py.c" obj_file = f"{self.model.model_name}_cvode_py.o" lib_file = f"{self.model.model_name}_cvode_py" # compile objects with fPIC for the shared lib we'll link self.compiler.compile([c_file], extra_preargs=["-fPIC"]) # now link cvode and nvecserial and make a shared lib self.compiler.link_shared_lib( [obj_file], lib_file, libraries=["sundials_cvode", "sundials_nvecserial"] ) # # keep a record of what we got self.cfile = os.path.abspath(c_file) self.obj_file = os.path.abspath(obj_file) # compiler tacks on the lib at the beginning and .so at the end lib_file = f"lib{self.model.model_name}" self.lib_file = os.path.abspath(lib_file)
@property def simulator(self): """ simulator attribute that stores the instantiated simulator object and also saves the SBML text in the sbml attribute """ return self._simulator @simulator.setter def simulator(self, lib_file): # use CSimWrapper under the hood try: valid_params = [] for pname in self.model.parameters: if pname.startswith("_"): continue val = self.model.parameters[pname] try: ftry = float(val.expr) valid_params.append(ftry) except: pass n_param = len(valid_params) self._simulator = CSimWrapper( os.path.abspath(lib_file), num_params=n_param, num_spec_init=len(self.model.species), ) except: raise BNGCompileError(self.model)
[docs] def simulate(self, t_start=0, t_end=10, n_steps=10): # set parameters and initial species values spcs = [] for spc_name in self.model.species: try: count = float(self.model.species[spc_name].count) spcs.append(count) except: p_name = self.model.species[spc_name].count count = float(self.model.parameters[p_name].value) spcs.append(count) self.simulator.set_species_init(spcs) params = [] for pname in self.model.parameters: if pname.startswith("_"): continue try: val = self.model.parameters[pname] ftry = float(val.expr) params.append(ftry) except: pass # params = list(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("_"), self.model.parameters)) # params = [float(self.model.parameters[p].value) for p in params] self.simulator.set_parameters(params) # now that we have CSimWrapper setup correctly, run the simulation timepoints, obs_all, spcs_all = self.simulator.simulate(t_start, t_end, n_steps) # return our results return (timepoints, obs_all, spcs_all)