Source code for bionetgen.modelapi.xmlparsers

from .blocks import ParameterBlock, CompartmentBlock, ObservableBlock
from .blocks import SpeciesBlock, MoleculeTypeBlock
from .blocks import FunctionBlock, RuleBlock
from .blocks import EnergyPatternBlock, PopulationMapBlock

from .pattern import Pattern, Molecule, Component

from .rulemod import RuleMod

###### Base object  ######
[docs]class XMLObj: """ Base object that contains XMLs that is the parent of all XML object that will be used for BNGL blocks as we read from BNGXML. This sets up the python internals such as __repr__ and __str__ for the rest of the XML classes. This base class assumes at least two methods will be defined by each class that inherits this base object which are defined in the methods below. Attributes ---------- xml : list/OrderedDict XML loaded via xmltodict to be parsed. Either a list of items or an OrderedDict. parsed_obj : obj appropriate parsed object, one of the Block objects Methods ------- resolve_xml(xml) the method that parses the XML given and is written separately for each subclass of this one gen_string() the method to generate the string from the parsed object """ def __init__(self, xml): self.xml = xml self.parsed_obj = self.parse_xml(self.xml) def __repr__(self): return self.gen_string() def __str__(self): return self.gen_string()
[docs] def gen_string(self): return str(self.parsed_obj)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, xml): """ """ raise NotImplementedError
###### Fundamental parsing objects ###### # This is for handling bond XMLs
[docs]class BondsXML: """ Bonds XML parser, derived from XMLObj. """ def __init__(self, bonds_xml=None): self.bonds_dict = {} if bonds_xml is not None: self.resolve_xml(bonds_xml)
[docs] def set_xml(self, bonds_xml): self.resolve_xml(bonds_xml)
[docs] def get_bond_id(self, comp): # Get the ID of the bond from an XML id something # belongs to, e.g. O1_P1_M1_C2 num_bonds = comp["@numberOfBonds"] comp_id = comp["@id"] try: num_bonds = int(num_bonds) except: # This means we have something like +/? return num_bonds # use the comp_id to find the bond index from # self.bonds_dict comp_key = self.get_tpl_from_id(comp_id) bond_id = self.bonds_dict[comp_key] return bond_id
[docs] def get_tpl_from_id(self, id_str): # ID str is looking like O1_P1_M2_C3 # we are going to assume a 4-tuple per key id_list = id_str.split("_") id_tpl = tuple(id_list) return id_tpl
[docs] def tpls_from_bond(self, bond): s1 = bond["@site1"] s2 = bond["@site2"] id_list_1 = s1.split("_") s1_tpl = tuple(id_list_1) id_list_2 = s2.split("_") s2_tpl = tuple(id_list_2) return (s1_tpl, s2_tpl)
[docs] def resolve_xml(self, bonds_xml): # self.bonds_dict is a dictionary you can key # with the tuple taken from the ID and then # get a bond ID cleanly if isinstance(bonds_xml, list): for ibond, bond in enumerate(bonds_xml): bond_partner_1, bond_partner_2 = self.tpls_from_bond(bond) if bond_partner_1 not in self.bonds_dict: self.bonds_dict[bond_partner_1] = [ibond + 1] else: self.bonds_dict[bond_partner_1].append([ibond + 1]) if bond_partner_2 not in self.bonds_dict: self.bonds_dict[bond_partner_2] = [ibond + 1] else: self.bonds_dict[bond_partner_2].append(ibond + 1) else: bond_partner_1, bond_partner_2 = self.tpls_from_bond(bonds_xml) self.bonds_dict[bond_partner_1] = [1] self.bonds_dict[bond_partner_2] = [1]
# The full pattern parser
[docs]class PatternXML(XMLObj): """ Pattern XML parser, derived from XMLObj. Methods ------- _process_mol(xml) processes a molecule XML dictionary and returns a Molecule object _process_comp(self, xml) processes a component XML dictionary and returns a list of Compartment objects """ def __init__(self, xml) -> None: super().__init__(xml)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, xml) -> Pattern: # initialize pattern = Pattern() if "ListOfBonds" in xml: # TODO: FIX THIS bonds = BondsXML(xml["ListOfBonds"]["Bond"]) pattern._bonds = bonds self._bonds = bonds else: bonds = BondsXML() pattern._bonds = bonds self._bonds = bonds # check for compartment and add if exists if "@compartment" in xml: pattern.compartment = xml["@compartment"] # check for label and add if exists if "@label" in xml: pattern.label = xml["@label"] # check to see if pattern is fixed if "@Fixed" in xml: if xml["@Fixed"] == "1": pattern.fixed = True # check to see if pattern is only matched once if "@matchOnce" in xml: if xml["@matchOnce"] == "1": pattern.MatchOnce = True # check for relation & quantity, add if exist if ("@relation" in xml) and ("@quantity" in xml): relation = xml["@relation"] quantity = xml["@quantity"] pattern.relation = relation try: n = int(quantity) f = float(quantity) if n == f: pattern.quantity = quantity except ValueError as e: print("Quantity needs to be an integer") # check for either list of molecules or single molecule, add if exist mols = xml["ListOfMolecules"]["Molecule"] molecules = [] if isinstance(mols, list): # list of molecules for imol, mol in enumerate(mols): mol_obj = self._process_mol(mol) molecules.append(mol_obj) else: # a single molecule mol_obj = self._process_mol(mols) molecules.append(mol_obj) pattern.molecules = molecules # return a complete pattern object return pattern
def _process_mol(self, xml) -> Molecule: """ """ # initialize molecule = Molecule() # if "@name" in xml: = xml["@name"] # if "@label" in xml: molecule.label = xml["@label"] # if "@compartment" in xml: molecule.compartment = xml["@compartment"] # if "ListOfComponents" in xml: # Single molecule can't have bonds molecule.components = self._process_comp( xml["ListOfComponents"]["Component"] ) # return molecule def _process_comp(self, xml) -> list: # bonds = compartment id, bond id # comp xml can be a list or a dict comp_list = [] if isinstance(xml, list): # we have multiple and this is a list for icomp, comp in enumerate(xml): component = Component() = comp["@name"] if "@label" in comp: component.label = comp["@label"] if "@state" in comp: component.state = comp["@state"] if comp["@numberOfBonds"] != "0": # DEBUG bond_id = self._bonds.get_bond_id(comp) for bi in bond_id: component.bonds.append(bi) comp_list.append(component) else: # single comp, this is a dict component = Component() = xml["@name"] if "@label" in xml: component.label = xml["@label"] if "@state" in xml: component.state = xml["@state"] if xml["@numberOfBonds"] != "0": bond_id = self._bonds.get_bond_id(xml) for bi in bond_id: component.bonds.append(bi) comp_list.append(component) return comp_list
# Helper parser for pattern list (for observables)
[docs]class PatternListXML: """ Pattern list XML parser. Takes a list of patterns and parses them using PatternXML and generates a list of patterns. Attributes ---------- patterns : list[Pattern] list of patterns parsed from the XML dict list """ def __init__(self, xml) -> None: self.patterns = self.parse_xml(xml)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, xml) -> list: pats = xml["Pattern"] patterns = [] if isinstance(pats, list): # we have multiple patterns so this is a list for ipattern, pattern in enumerate(pats): patterns.append(PatternXML(pattern).parsed_obj) else: patterns.append(PatternXML(pats).parsed_obj) return patterns
###### Parsers ######
[docs]class ParameterBlockXML(XMLObj): """ PatternBlock XML parser, derived from XMLObj. Creates a ParameterBlock that contains the parameters parsed. """ def __init__(self, xml) -> None: super().__init__(xml)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, xml) -> ParameterBlock: # make block block = ParameterBlock() # parse parameters if isinstance(xml, list): for b in xml: # add content to line name = b["@id"] value = b["@value"] expression = None if "@expr" in b: expression = b["@expr"] block.add_parameter(name, value, expr=expression) else: # add content to line name = xml["@id"] value = xml["@value"] expression = None if "@expr" in xml: expression = xml["@expr"] # add to list of lines block.add_parameter(name, value, expr=expression) block.reset_compilation_tags() return block
[docs]class CompartmentBlockXML(XMLObj): """ CompartmentBlock XML parser, derived from XMLObj. Creates a CompartmentBlock that contains the compartments parsed. """ def __init__(self, xml) -> None: super().__init__(xml)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, xml): block = CompartmentBlock() if isinstance(xml, list): for comp in xml: cname = comp["@id"] dim = comp["@spatialDimensions"] size = comp["@size"] outside = None if "@outside" in comp: outside = comp["@outside"] block.add_compartment(cname, dim, size, outside=outside) else: cname = xml["@id"] dim = xml["@spatialDimensions"] size = xml["@size"] outside = None if "@outside" in xml: outside = xml["@outside"] block.add_compartment(cname, dim, size, outside=outside) block.reset_compilation_tags() return block
[docs]class ObservableBlockXML(XMLObj): """ ObservableBlock XML parser, derived from XMLObj. Creates an ObservableBlock that contains the observables parsed. """ def __init__(self, xml) -> None: super().__init__(xml)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, xml) -> ObservableBlock: # block = ObservableBlock() # if isinstance(xml, list): for b in xml: name = b["@name"] otype = b["@type"] patterns = PatternListXML(b["ListOfPatterns"]).patterns block.add_observable(name, otype, patterns) else: name = xml["@name"] otype = xml["@type"] patterns = PatternListXML(xml["ListOfPatterns"]).patterns block.add_observable(name, otype, patterns) # return block
[docs]class SpeciesBlockXML(XMLObj): """ SpeciesBlock XML parser, derived from XMLObj. Creates a SpeciesBlock that contains the species parsed. """ def __init__(self, xml): super().__init__(xml)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, xml): block = SpeciesBlock() if isinstance(xml, list): # we have multiple patterns so this is a list for ispec, spec in enumerate(xml): pattern = PatternXML(spec) count = spec["@concentration"] block.add_species(pattern, count) else: pattern = PatternXML(xml) count = xml["@concentration"] block.add_species(pattern, count) return block
[docs]class MoleculeTypeBlockXML(XMLObj): """ MoleculeTypeBlock XML parser, derived from XMLObj. Creates a MoleculeTypeBlock that contains the molecule types parsed. Methods ------- add_molecule_type_to_block(block,xml) parses the XML to create a MoleculeType object and adds it to a given MoleculeTypeBlock object """ def __init__(self, xml): super().__init__(xml)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, xml): block = MoleculeTypeBlock() # if isinstance(xml, list): for md in xml: self.add_molecule_type_to_block(block, md) else: self.add_molecule_type_to_block(block, xml) # return block
[docs] def add_molecule_type_to_block(self, block, xml): name = xml["@id"] components = [] if "ListOfComponentTypes" in xml: comp_obj = Component() comp_dict = xml["ListOfComponentTypes"]["ComponentType"] if "@id" in comp_dict: = comp_dict["@id"] if "ListOfAllowedStates" in comp_dict: # we have states al_states = comp_dict["ListOfAllowedStates"]["AllowedState"] if isinstance(al_states, list): for istate, state in enumerate(al_states): comp_obj.states.append(state["@id"]) else: comp_obj.states.append(al_states["@id"]) components.append(comp_obj) else: # multiple components for icomp, comp in enumerate(comp_dict): comp_obj = Component() = comp["@id"] if "ListOfAllowedStates" in comp: # we have states al_states = comp["ListOfAllowedStates"]["AllowedState"] if isinstance(al_states, list): for istate, state in enumerate(al_states): comp_obj.states.append(state["@id"]) else: comp_obj.states.append(al_states["@id"]) components.append(comp_obj) block.add_molecule_type(name, components)
[docs]class FunctionBlockXML(XMLObj): # TODO for some reason the resolve_xml doesn't set the full # function string and it's also not used downstream. """ FunctionBlock XML parser, derived from XMLObj. Creates a FunctionBlock that contains the functions parsed. Methods ------- get_arguments(xml) parses the argument list XML and returns a list of argument names """ def __init__(self, xml): super().__init__(xml)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, xml): block = FunctionBlock() # if isinstance(xml, list): for f in xml: # add content to line fname = f["@id"] expr = f["Expression"] args = [] if "ListOfArguments" in f: args = self.get_arguments(f["ListOfArguments"]["Argument"]) # block.add_function(fname, expr, args=args) else: fname = xml["@id"] expr = xml["Expression"] args = [] if "ListOfArguments" in xml: args = self.get_arguments(xml["ListOfArguments"]["Argument"]) # block.add_function(fname, expr, args=args) return block
[docs] def get_arguments(self, xml) -> list: args = [] if isinstance(xml, list): for arg in xml: args.append(arg["@id"]) return args else: return [xml["@id"]]
[docs]class RuleBlockXML(XMLObj): """ RuleBlock XML parser, derived from XMLObj. Creates a RuleBlock that contains the rules parsed. Methods ------- resolve_ratelaw(xml) parses a rate law XML and returns the rate constant resolve_rxn_side(xml) parses either reactants or products XML and returns a list of Pattern objects get_operations(xml) creates and populates a list of operations and their arguments get_rule_mod(xml) stores rule modifier used by a given rule as a string """ def __init__(self, xml): self.bidirectional = False super().__init__(xml)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, xml): block = RuleBlock() # check for multiple rules and parse each one if isinstance(xml, list): for irule, rule in enumerate(xml): name = rule["@name"] reactants = self.resolve_rxn_side(rule["ListOfReactantPatterns"]) products = self.resolve_rxn_side(rule["ListOfProductPatterns"]) if "RateLaw" not in rule: print( "Rule seems to be missing a rate law, please make sure that XML exporter of BNGL supports whatever you are doing!" ) rate_constants = [self.resolve_ratelaw(rule["RateLaw"])] rule_modifier = self.get_rule_mod(rule) if rule["ListOfOperations"] is not None: if len(rule["ListOfOperations"]) > 0: operations = self.get_operations(rule["ListOfOperations"]) block.add_rule( name, reactants=reactants, products=products, rate_constants=rate_constants, rule_mod=rule_modifier, operations=operations, ) else: name = xml["@name"] reactants = self.resolve_rxn_side(xml["ListOfReactantPatterns"]) products = self.resolve_rxn_side(xml["ListOfProductPatterns"]) if "RateLaw" not in xml: print( "Rule seems to be missing a rate law, please make sure that XML exporter of BNGL supports whatever you are doing!" ) rate_constants = [self.resolve_ratelaw(xml["RateLaw"])] rule_modifier = self.get_rule_mod(xml) operations = self.get_operations(xml["ListOfOperations"]) block.add_rule( name, reactants=reactants, products=products, rate_constants=rate_constants, rule_mod=rule_modifier, operations=operations, ) block.consolidate_rules() return block
[docs] def resolve_ratelaw(self, xml): rate_type = xml["@type"] if rate_type == "Ele": rate_cts_xml = xml["ListOfRateConstants"] rate_cts = rate_cts_xml["RateConstant"]["@value"] elif rate_type == "Function": rate_cts = xml["@name"] elif ( rate_type == "MM" or rate_type == "Sat" or rate_type == "Hill" or rate_type == "Arrhenius" ): # A function type rate_cts = rate_type + "(" args = xml["ListOfRateConstants"]["RateConstant"] if isinstance(args, list): for iarg, arg in enumerate(args): if iarg > 0: rate_cts += "," rate_cts += arg["@value"] else: rate_cts += args["@value"] rate_cts += ")" else: print("don't recognize rate law type") return rate_cts
[docs] def resolve_rxn_side(self, xml): # this is either reactant or product if xml is None: return [Molecule()] elif "ReactantPattern" in xml: # this is a lhs/reactant side sl = [] side = xml["ReactantPattern"] if "@compartment" in side: self.react_comp = side["@compartment"] else: self.react_comp = None if isinstance(side, list): # this is a list of reactant patterns for ireact, react in enumerate(side): sl.append(PatternXML(react).parsed_obj) else: sl.append(PatternXML(side).parsed_obj) return sl elif "ProductPattern" in xml: # rhs/product side side = xml["ProductPattern"] sl = [] if "@compartment" in side: self.prod_comp = side["@compartment"] else: self.prod_comp = None if isinstance(side, list): # this is a list of product patterns for iprod, prod in enumerate(side): sl.append(PatternXML(prod).parsed_obj) else: sl.append(PatternXML(side).parsed_obj) return sl else: print("Can't parse rule XML {}".format(xml))
[docs] def get_operations(self, xml): # TODO: create working operations class ops = [] # List all possible operations & arguments ops_types = [ "AddBond", "DeleteBond", "ChangeCompartment", "StateChange", "Add", "Delete", ] op_args = [ "@site1", "@site2", "@id", "@source", "@destination", "@flipOrientation", "@moveConnected", "@site", "@finalState", "@DeleteMolecules", ] # Loop through valid arguments and record for op_type in ops_types: if op_type in xml: for op_arg in op_args: if op_arg in xml: n_op = xml[op_arg] ops.append(n_op) return ops
[docs] def get_rule_mod(self, xml): # TODO: create working rule mods class rule_mod = RuleMod() list_ops = xml["ListOfOperations"] if list_ops is None: return None # determine which rule mod is being used, if any if "Delete" in list_ops: del_op = list_ops["Delete"] # check if modifier was called or automatic if not isinstance(del_op, list): mod_call = del_op["@DeleteMolecules"] if mod_call == "1": # get mod information & add to string rule_mod.type = "DeleteMolecules" = del_op["@id"] elif "ChangeCompartment" in list_ops: move_op = list_ops["ChangeCompartment"] if not isinstance(move_op, list): # get mod information & add to string mod_call = move_op["@moveConnected"] # check if modifier was called or automatic if mod_call == "1": rule_mod.type = "MoveConnected" = move_op["@id"] rule_mod.source = move_op["@source"] rule_mod.destination = move_op["@destination"] rule_mod.flip = move_op["@flipOrientation"] = mod_call else: = [] rule_mod.source = [] rule_mod.destination = [] rule_mod.flip = [] = [] for mo in move_op: if mo["@moveConnected"] == "1": rule_mod.type = "MoveConnected"["@id"]) rule_mod.source.append(move_op["@source"]) rule_mod.destination.append(move_op["@destination"]) rule_mod.flip.append(move_op["@flipOrientation"])["@moveConnected"]) elif "RateLaw" in xml: # check if modifier is called ratelaw = xml["RateLaw"] rate_type = ratelaw["@type"] if rate_type == "Function" and ratelaw["@totalrate"] == 1: rule_mod.type = "TotalRate" = ratelaw["@id"] rule_mod.rate_type = ratelaw["@type"] = ratelaw["@name"] = ratelaw["@totalrate"] # TODO: add support for include/exclude reactants/products if ( "ListOfIncludeReactants" in xml or "ListOfIncludeProducts" in xml or "ListOfExcludeReactants" in xml or "ListOfExcludeProducts" in xml ): print( "WARNING: Include/Exclude Reactants/Products not currently supported as rule modifiers" ) return rule_mod
[docs]class EnergyPatternBlockXML(XMLObj): """ EnergyPatternBlock XML parser, derived from XMLObj. Creates an EnergyPatternBlock that contains the energy patterns parsed. """ def __init__(self, xml): super().__init__(xml)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, xml): block = EnergyPatternBlock() if isinstance(xml, list): for b in xml: # get id & expression epid = b["@id"] expr = b["@expression"] # get pattern pattern_node = b["Pattern"] pattern = PatternXML(pattern_node).parsed_obj block.add_energy_pattern(epid, pattern, expr) else: # get id & expression epid = xml["@id"] expr = xml["@expression"] # get pattern pattern_node = xml["Pattern"] pattern = PatternXML(pattern_node).parsed_obj block.add_energy_pattern(epid, pattern, expr) return block
[docs]class PopulationMapBlockXML(XMLObj): """ PopulationMapBlock XML parser, derived from XMLObj. Creates a PopulationMapBlock that contains the population maps parsed. Methods ------- resolve_ratelaw(xml) parses a rate law XML and returns the rate constant """ def __init__(self, xml): super().__init__(xml)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, xml): block = PopulationMapBlock() if isinstance(xml, list): for b in xml: # get id pmid = b["@id"] # get structured species struct_spec_node = b["StructuredSpecies"] spec_node = struct_spec_node["Species"] struct_spec = PatternXML(spec_node).parsed_obj # get population species pop_spec_node = b["PopulationSpecies"] pop_node = pop_spec_node["Species"] pop_spec = PatternXML(pop_node).parsed_obj # get rate law rate_constant = self.resolve_ratelaw(b["RateLaw"]) block.add_population_map(pmid, struct_spec, pop_spec, rate_constant) else: # get id pmid = xml["@id"] # get structured species struct_spec_node = xml["StructuredSpecies"] spec_node = struct_spec_node["Species"] struct_spec = PatternXML(spec_node).parsed_obj # get population species pop_spec_node = xml["PopulationSpecies"] pop_node = pop_spec_node["Species"] pop_spec = PatternXML(pop_node).parsed_obj # get rate law rate_constant = self.resolve_ratelaw(xml["RateLaw"]) block.add_population_map(pmid, struct_spec, pop_spec, rate_constant) return block
[docs] def resolve_ratelaw(self, xml): rate_type = xml["@type"] if rate_type == "Ele": rate_cts_xml = xml["ListOfRateConstants"] rate_cts = rate_cts_xml["RateConstant"]["@value"] elif rate_type == "Function": rate_cts = xml["@name"] elif ( rate_type == "MM" or rate_type == "Sat" or rate_type == "Hill" or rate_type == "Arrhenius" ): # A function type rate_cts = rate_type + "(" args = xml["ListOfRateConstants"]["RateConstant"] if isinstance(args, list): for iarg, arg in enumerate(args): if iarg > 0: rate_cts += "," rate_cts += arg["@value"] else: rate_cts += args["@value"] rate_cts += ")" else: print("don't recognize rate law type") return rate_cts
# TODO: Store operations!
[docs]class Operation: """ To be used for parsing & storing ListOfOperations information. """ # valid operation types valid_ops = [ "AddBond", "DeleteBond", "ChangeCompartment", "StateChange", "Add", "Delete", ]