Source code for bionetgen.modelapi.pattern

from bionetgen.core.utils.logging import BNGLogger

logger = BNGLogger()

# All classes that deal with patterns
[docs]class Pattern: """ Pattern object. Fundamentally it's a list of molecules which are defined later. Attributes ---------- _bonds : Bonds setting a pattern requires you to keep track of all bonds to correctly label them, this object tracks everything compartment : str compartment of the overall pattern (not the same thing as molecule compartment, those have their own) _label : str label of the overall pattern (not the same thing as molecule label, those have their own) molecules : list[Molecule] list of molecule objects that are in the pattern fixed : bool used for constant species, sets "$" at the beginning of the pattern string MatchOnce : bool used for matchOnce syntax, "{MatchOnce}PatternStr" relation : str alongside quantity this is only used for patterns of the form e.g. pattern==5, pattern<=3 etc quantity : str alongside relation this is only used for patterns of the form e.g. pattern==5, pattern<=3 etc nautyG : Graph if canonicalization was done on the pattern this will return a graph object from the library `pynauty` which is just python bindings to the canonical labelling library `nauty`. canonical_certificate : str if canonicalization was done on the pattern this will return a string that has the canonical labelling for the underlying graph. this doesn't take into account node names so it can only be used to compare the graph topology canonical_label : str if canonicalization was done on the pattern this will return a canonical label for the entire molecule that's unique and all isomorphic patterns will have the same label. comparing this label to another molecules canonical label will tell you if they are the same molecule or not. Methods ------- canonicalize : None This method will generate a canonical label stored in `canonical_label` attribute. This label can be used to compare patterns to see if they are the same pattern quickly. This method will only run if `pynauty` is installed. See [nauty documentation]( for more information """ def __init__( self, molecules=[], bonds=None, compartment=None, label=None, canonicalize=False ): self.molecules = molecules self._bonds = bonds self.compartment = compartment self.label = label self.fixed = False self.MatchOnce = False self.relation = None self.quantity = None self.nautyG = None self.canonical_certificate = None self.canonical_label = None if canonicalize: self.canonicalize()
[docs] def canonicalize(self): """ This method will use `pynauty` library to generate a canonical label for the pattern. This pattern will be stored in `canonical_label` attribute. """ # set a location for logging loc = f"{__file__} : Pattern.canonicalize()" # try importing pynauty to canonicalize the labeling try: import pynauty except ImportError: logger.warning( f"Importing pynauty failed, cannot canonicalize. Pattern equality checking is not guaranteed to work for highly symmetrical species.", loc=loc, ) return # find how many vertices we need lmol = len(self.molecules) lcomp = sum([len(x.components) for x in self.molecules]) node_cnt = lmol + lcomp # initialize our pynauty graph G = pynauty.Graph(node_cnt) # going to need to figure out bonding bond_dict = {} # save our IDs rev_grpIds = {} grpIds = {} # also pointers to each object node_ptrs = {} bond_node_ptrs = {} # we'll need to seutp coloring colors = {} currId = 0 mCopyId = 0 cCopyId = 0 # let's loop over everything in the pattern for molec in self.molecules: # setting colors color_id = (, None, None) if color_id in colors: colors[color_id].add(currId) else: colors[color_id] = set([currId]) # saving IDs parent_id = (, None, mCopyId, cCopyId) if parent_id in grpIds: mCopyId += 1 parent_id = (, None, mCopyId, cCopyId) grpIds[parent_id] = currId else: grpIds[parent_id] = currId rev_grpIds[currId] = parent_id node_ptrs[currId] = molec currId += 1 # now looping over components for comp in molec.components: # saving component coloring comp_color_id = (,, comp.state) if comp_color_id in colors: colors[comp_color_id].add(currId) else: colors[comp_color_id] = set([currId]) chid_id = (,, mCopyId, cCopyId) # connecting the component to the molecule G.connect_vertex(grpIds[parent_id], [currId]) # saving component IDs if chid_id in grpIds: cCopyId += 1 chid_id = (,, mCopyId, cCopyId) grpIds[chid_id] = currId else: grpIds[chid_id] = currId rev_grpIds[currId] = chid_id node_ptrs[currId] = comp currId += 1 # saving bonds if len(comp._bonds) != 0: for bond in comp._bonds: if bond not in bond_dict.keys(): bond_dict[bond] = [chid_id] else: bond_dict[bond].append(chid_id) # now we got everything, we implement it in the graph for bond in bond_dict: # check if each of our bonds have exactly two end points if len(bond_dict[bond]) == 2: id1 = bond_dict[bond][0] id1 = grpIds[id1] id2 = bond_dict[bond][1] id2 = grpIds[id2] G.connect_vertex(id1, [id2]) else: # raise a warning logger.warning( f"Bond {bond} doesn't have exactly 2 end points, please check that you don't have any dangling bonds.", loc=loc, ) # we get our color sets color_sets = list(colors.values()) # set vertex coloring G.set_vertex_coloring(color_sets) # save our graph self.nautyG = G # generate the canonical certificate for the entire graph self.canonical_certificate = pynauty.certificate(self.nautyG) # generate the canonical label for the entire graph # first, we give every node their canonical order canon_order = pynauty.canon_label(self.nautyG) for iordr, ordr in enumerate(canon_order): node_ptrs[ordr].canonical_order = iordr # relabeling bonds relabeling_bond_dict = {} for bond in bond_dict: # check if each of our bonds have exactly two end points if len(bond_dict[bond]) == 2: id1 = bond_dict[bond][0] id1 = grpIds[id1] comp1 = node_ptrs[id1] id2 = bond_dict[bond][1] id2 = grpIds[id2] comp2 = node_ptrs[id2] parent_order = min( comp1.parent_molecule.canonical_order, comp2.parent_molecule.canonical_order, ) comp_order = min(comp1.canonical_order, comp2.canonical_order) relabeling_bond_dict[(parent_order, comp_order)] = (comp1, comp2) else: # raise a warning logger.warning( f"Bond {bond} doesn't have exactly 2 end points, please check that you don't have any dangling bonds.", loc=loc, ) # this will give us the keys to canonically sorted bonds sorted_order = sorted(relabeling_bond_dict.keys()) for ibond, sbond in enumerate(sorted_order): # now we add a canonical bond ID to each component c1, c2 = relabeling_bond_dict[sbond] if c1.canonical_bonds is None: c1.canonical_bonds = [str(ibond + 1)] else: c1.canonical_bonds.append(str(ibond + 1)) if c2.canonical_bonds is None: c2.canonical_bonds = [str(ibond + 1)] else: c2.canonical_bonds.append(str(ibond + 1)) # and now we can get the canonical label self.canonical_label = self.print_canonical()
[docs] def print_canonical(self): """ Returns canonical label for the pattern """ # need to make sure we don't print useless compartments self.consolidate_molecule_compartments() canon_label = "" # we first deal with the pattern compartment if self.compartment is not None: canon_label += "@{}".format(self.compartment) if self.label is not None: canon_label += "%{}".format(self.label) if self.label is not None or self.compartment is not None: canon_label += ":" # now loop over all molecules in canonical order canon_ords = [m.canonical_order for m in self.molecules] canon_ord_pairs = zip(range(len(self.molecules)), canon_ords) sorted_canon_ord_pairs = sorted(canon_ord_pairs, key=lambda x: x[1]) for imol, mol in enumerate(sorted_canon_ord_pairs): mol_id = mol[0] if imol == 0: if self.fixed: canon_label += "$" if self.MatchOnce: canon_label += "{MatchOnce}" if imol > 0: canon_label += "." canon_label += self.molecules[mol_id].print_canonical() if self.relation is not None: canon_label += f"{self.relation}{self.quantity}" return canon_label
def __contains__(self, val): return val in self.molecules def __eq__(self, other): loc = f"{__file__} : Pattern.__eq__()" if isinstance(other, Pattern): logger.debug(f"Comparison class matches: {other.__class__}", loc=loc) # checking pattern-wide properties if (other.compartment == self.compartment) and (other.label == self.label): logger.debug( f"Compartment or label matches: {other.compartment}, {other.label}", loc=loc, ) # checking mods if (other.fixed == self.fixed) and (other.MatchOnce == self.MatchOnce): logger.debug( f"fixed or matchonce matches: {other.fixed}, {other.MatchOnce}", loc=loc, ) # checking quantifiers if (other.relation == self.relation) and ( other.quantity == self.quantity ): logger.debug( f"relation or quantity matches: {other.relation}, {other.quantity}", loc=loc, ) # if we made the label, we can just compare the two if (self.canonical_label is not None) and ( other.canonical_label is not None ): return self.canonical_label == other.canonical_label # now we can check contents for molecule in self: if molecule not in other.molecules: logger.debug( f"molecule doesn't match: {molecule}", loc=loc ) return False # isomorphism check if we have the certificate if (self.canonical_certificate is not None) and ( other.canonical_certificate is not None ): if ( self.canonical_certificate != other.canonical_certificate ): return False # TODO: molecules match, check bonds # Bonds match, patterns are the same logger.debug("patterns match!", loc=loc) return True return False @property def compartment(self): return self._compartment @compartment.setter def compartment(self, value): # TODO: Build in logic to set the # outer compartment # print("Warning: Logical checks are not complete") self._compartment = value
[docs] def consolidate_molecule_compartments(self): # if the molecule compartment matches overall pattern # compartment, don't print the molecule compartments overall_comp = self.compartment if overall_comp is not None: for molec in self.molecules: if molec.compartment == overall_comp: molec.compartment = None
@property def label(self): return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): # TODO: Build in logic to set # the outer label # print("Warning: Logical checks are not complete") self._label = value def __str__(self): # need to make sure we don't print useless compartments self.consolidate_molecule_compartments() sstr = "" # we first deal with the pattern compartment if self.compartment is not None: sstr += "@{}".format(self.compartment) if self.label is not None: sstr += "%{}".format(self.label) if self.label is not None or self.compartment is not None: sstr += ":" # now loop over all molecules for imol, mol in enumerate(self.molecules): if imol == 0: if self.fixed: sstr += "$" if self.MatchOnce: sstr += "{MatchOnce}" if imol > 0: sstr += "." sstr += str(mol) if self.relation is not None: sstr += f"{self.relation}{self.quantity}" return sstr def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.molecules[key] def __iter__(self): return self.molecules.__iter__()
# TODO: Implement __contains__
[docs]class Molecule: """ Molecule object. A pattern is a list of molecules. This object also handles molecule types where components have a list of possible states. Attributes ---------- _name : str name of the molecule _compartment : str compartment of the molecule _label : str label of the molecule _components : list[Component] list of components for this molecule Methods ------- add_component(name, state=None, states=[]) add a component object to the list of components with name "name", current state "state" or a list of states (for molecule types) "states" """ def __init__(self, name="0", components=[], compartment=None, label=None): self._name = name self._components = components self._compartment = compartment self._label = label self.canonical_order = None self.canonical_label = None self.parent_pattern = None def __contains__(self, val): return val in self.components def __eq__(self, other): loc = f"{__file__} : Molecule.__eq__()" # check object type if isinstance(other, Molecule): logger.debug(f"Comparison class matches: {other.__class__}", loc=loc) # check attributes if ( ( == and (other.compartment == self.compartment) and (other.label == self.label) ): logger.debug( f"name, compartment and labels match: {}, {other.compartment}, {other.label}", loc=loc, ) if (self.canonical_label is not None) and ( other.canonical_label is not None ): # we can check canonical labels if self.canonical_label != other.canonical_label: return False # check components now for component in self: if component not in other.components: logger.debug(f"component doesn't match: {component}", loc=loc) return False # everything matches logger.debug("molecules match", loc=loc) return True return False def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): return self.components[key] def __iter__(self): return self.components.__iter__() # TODO: implement __setitem__, __contains__ def __str__(self): mol_str = # we have a null species if not == "0": mol_str += "(" # we _could_ just not do () if components # don't exist but that has other issues, # especially for extension highlighting if len(self.components) > 0: for icomp, comp in enumerate(self.components): if icomp > 0: mol_str += "," mol_str += str(comp) # we have a null species if not == "0": mol_str += ")" if self.compartment is not None: mol_str += "@{}".format(self.compartment) if self.label is not None: mol_str += "%{}".format(self.label) return mol_str
[docs] def print_canonical(self): """ Returns canonical label for the pattern """ # print in canonical order canon_label = # we have a null species if not == "0": canon_label += "(" # we _could_ just not do () if components # don't exist but that has other issues, # especially for extension highlighting if len(self.components) > 0: canon_ords = [c.canonical_order for c in self.components] canon_ord_pairs = zip(range(len(self.components)), canon_ords) sorted_canon_ord_pairs = sorted(canon_ord_pairs, key=lambda x: x[1]) for icomp, comp in enumerate(sorted_canon_ord_pairs): comp_id = comp[0] if icomp > 0: canon_label += "," canon_label += self.components[comp_id].print_canonical() # we have a null species if not == "0": canon_label += ")" if self.compartment is not None: canon_label += "@{}".format(self.compartment) if self.label is not None: canon_label += "%{}".format(self.label) return canon_label
### PROPERTIES ### @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): # print("Warning: Logical checks are not complete") # TODO: Check for invalid characters self._name = value @property def components(self): return self._components @components.setter def components(self, value): # print("Warning: Logical checks are not complete") self._components = value def __repr__(self): return str(self) @property def compartment(self): return self._compartment @compartment.setter def compartment(self, value): # print("Warning: Logical checks are not complete") self._compartment = value @property def label(self): return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): # print("Warning: Logical checks are not complete") self._label = value def _add_component(self, name, state=None, states=[]): comp_obj = Component() = name comp_obj.state = state comp_obj.states = states self.components.append(comp_obj)
[docs] def add_component(self, name, state=None, states=[]): # TODO: Add built-in logic here # print("Warning: Logical checks are not complete") self._add_component(name, state, states)
[docs]class Component: """ Component object that describes the state, label and bonding for each component. Molecules can optionally contain components Attributes ---------- name : str name of the component _label : str label of the component _state : str state of the component, not used for molecule types _states : list[str] list of states for molecule types _bonds : list[Bond] list of bond objects that describes bonding of the component Methods ------- add_state() not implemented. will eventually be used to add additional states to an existing component add_bond() not implemented. will eventually be used to add additional bonds to an existing component """ def __init__(self): self._name = "" self._label = None self._state = None self._states = [] self._bonds = [] self.canonical_label = None self.canonical_order = None self.canonical_bonds = None self.parent_molecule = None def __eq__(self, other): loc = f"{__file__} : Component.__eq__()" # check type # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() if isinstance(other, Component): logger.debug(f"Comparison class matches: {other.__class__}", loc=loc) # check attributes if ( == and (other.label == self.label): logger.debug( f"name and labels match: {}, {other.label}", loc=loc ) # check states if len(other.states) == len(self.states): logger.debug(f"state lists match: {other.states}", loc=loc) # check current state if other.state == self.state: logger.debug(f"states match: {other.state}", loc=loc) if (self.canonical_label is not None) and ( other.canonical_label is not None ): # we can check canonical labels if self.canonical_label != other.canonical_label: return False # check bonds # TODO: try to decide if A(b!1).B(a!1) is the same # as A(b!2).B(a!2), if so, the bond check is much harder # for bond in self.bonds: # if bond not in other.bonds: # logger.debug( # f"bonds don't match!: {other.bonds}", loc=loc # ) # return False if len(self.bonds) == len(other.bonds): logger.debug("components match", loc=loc) return True return False def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): comp_str = # only for molecule types if len(self.states) > 0: for istate, state in enumerate(self.states): comp_str += "~{}".format(state) # for any other pattern if self.state is not None: comp_str += "~{}".format(self.state) if self.label is not None: comp_str += "%{}".format(self.label) if len(self.bonds) > 0: for bond in self.bonds: comp_str += "!{}".format(bond) return comp_str
[docs] def print_canonical(self): """ Returns canonical label for the pattern """ comp_str = # only for molecule types if len(self.states) > 0: for istate, state in enumerate(self.states): comp_str += "~{}".format(state) # for any other pattern if self.state is not None: comp_str += "~{}".format(self.state) if self.label is not None: comp_str += "%{}".format(self.label) if self.canonical_bonds is not None: for bond in self.canonical_bonds: comp_str += "!{}".format(bond) return comp_str
### PROPERTIES ### @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value): # TODO: Add built-in logic here # print("Warning: Logical checks are not complete") self._name = value @property def label(self): return self._label @label.setter def label(self, value): # TODO: Add built-in logic here # print("Warning: Logical checks are not complete") self._label = value @property def state(self): return self._state @state.setter def state(self, value): # TODO: Add built-in logic here # print("Warning: Logical checks are not complete") self._state = value @property def states(self): return self._states @states.setter def states(self, value): # TODO: Add built-in logic here # print("Warning: Logical checks are not complete") self._states = value @property def bonds(self): return self._bonds @bonds.setter def bonds(self, value): # TODO: Add built-in logic here # print("Warning: Logical checks are not complete") self._bonds = value def _add_state(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_state(self): self._add_state()
def _add_bond(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def add_bond(self): self._add_bond()