Source code for bionetgen.modelapi.model

import copy, tempfile, shutil

from bionetgen.main import BioNetGen
from bionetgen.core.exc import BNGModelError

from .bngparser import BNGParser
from .blocks import (

# This allows access to the CLIs config setup
app = BioNetGen()
conf = app.config["bionetgen"]
def_bng_path = conf["bngpath"]

[docs]class bngmodel: """ Main model object and entry point for model API. The goal of this object is to generate and read the BNGXML of a given BNGL model and give the user a pythonic interface to the resulting model object. Usage: bngmodel(bng_model) bngmodel(bng_model, BNGPATH) Attributes ---------- active_blocks : list[str] a list of the blocks that have been parsed in the model bngparser : BNGParser BNGParser object that's responsible for .bngl file reading and model setup model_name : str name of the model, generally set from the given BNGL file model_path : str path to the model file initially given recompile : bool a tag to keep track if any changes have been made to the model via the XML API by the user that requires model recompilation changes : dict a list of changes the user have made to the model Methods ------- reset_compilation_tags() resets compilation tags of each block to keep track of any changes the user makes to the model via the API add_action(action_type, action_args) adds the action of action_type with arguments given by the optional keyword argument action_args, which is a dictionary where each element is of the form "ArgumentName":ArgumentValue write_model(model_name) write the model in BNGL format to the path given setup_simulator(sim_type) sets up a simulator in bngmodel.simulator where the only current supported type of simulator is libRR for libRoadRunner simulator. add_block(BlockObject) adds a given block object (e.g. ParametersBlock) to the model add_empty_block(block_type) adds an empty block of type block_type to the model where block_type can be one of: "parameters", "compartments", "molecule_types", "species", "observables", "functions", "energy_patterns", "population_maps", "rules", "reaction_rules", "actions". """ def __init__( self, bngl_model, BNGPATH=def_bng_path, generate_network=False, suppress=True ): self.active_blocks = [] # We want blocks to be printed in the same order every time self._block_order = [ "parameters", "compartments", "molecule_types", "species", "observables", "functions", "energy_patterns", "population_maps", "rules", "actions", ] self.model_name = "" self.model_path = bngl_model self.bngparser = BNGParser( bngl_model, generate_network=generate_network, suppress=True ) self.bngparser.parse_model(self) for block in self._block_order: if block not in self.active_blocks: self.add_empty_block(block) # Check to see if there are no active blocks # If not, model is most likely not in BNGL format if not self.active_blocks: # TODO: consider raising a BNGModelError() here # raise BNGModelError( # self.model_path, # message="WARNING: No active blocks. Please ensure model is in proper BNGL or BNG-XML format", # ) print( "WARNING: No active blocks. Please ensure model is in proper BNGL or BNG-XML format" ) @property def recompile(self): recompile = False for block in self.active_blocks: recompile = recompile or getattr(self, block)._recompile return recompile # TODO: Ensure this works when you edit attributes @property def changes(self): changes = {} for block in self.active_blocks: changes[block] = getattr(self, block)._changes return changes def __str__(self): """ write the model to str """ model_str = "" # gotta check for "before model" type actions if hasattr(self, "actions"): ablock = getattr(self, "actions") if len(ablock.before_model) > 0: for baction in ablock.before_model: model_str += str(baction) + "\n" model_str += "begin model\n" for block in self._block_order: # ensure we didn't get new items into a # previously inactive block, if we did # add them to the active blocks if hasattr(self, block): if len(getattr(self, block)) > 0: if getattr(self, block).name not in self.active_blocks: self.active_blocks.append(block) # if we removed items from a block and # it's now empty, we want to remove it # from the active blocks elif len(getattr(self, block)) == 0 and block in self.active_blocks: self.active_blocks.remove(block) # print only the active blocks if block in self.active_blocks: if block != "actions" and len(getattr(self, block)) > 0: model_str += str(getattr(self, block)) model_str += "\nend model\n\n" if "actions" in self.active_blocks: model_str += str(self.actions) return model_str def __repr__(self): return self.model_name def __iter__(self): active_ordered_blocks = [ getattr(self, i) for i in self._block_order if i in self.active_blocks ] return active_ordered_blocks.__iter__()
[docs] def add_block(self, block): """ Adds the given block object to the model, uses the name of the block object to determine what block it is """ bname =" ", "_") # TODO: fix this exception if bname == "reaction_rules": bname = "rules" block_adder = getattr(self, "add_{}_block".format(bname)) block_adder(block)
[docs] def add_empty_block(self, block_name): """ Makes an empty block object from a given block name and adds it to the model object. """ bname = block_name.replace(" ", "_") # TODO: fix this exception if bname == "reaction_rules": bname = "rules" block_adder = getattr(self, "add_{}_block".format(bname)) block_adder()
[docs] def add_parameters_block(self, block=None): """ Adds a parameters block to the model object. """ if block is not None: # TODO: Transition to BNGErrors and logging assert isinstance(block, ParameterBlock) self.parameters = block if "parameters" not in self.active_blocks: self.active_blocks.append("parameters") else: self.parameters = ParameterBlock()
[docs] def add_compartments_block(self, block=None): """ Adds a compartments block to the model object. """ if block is not None: # TODO: Transition to BNGErrors and logging assert isinstance(block, CompartmentBlock) self.compartments = block if "compartments" not in self.active_blocks: self.active_blocks.append("compartments") else: self.compartments = CompartmentBlock()
[docs] def add_molecule_types_block(self, block=None): """ Adds a molecule types block to the model object. """ if block is not None: # TODO: Transition to BNGErrors and logging assert isinstance(block, MoleculeTypeBlock) self.molecule_types = block if "molecule_types" not in self.active_blocks: self.active_blocks.append("molecule_types") else: self.molecule_types = MoleculeTypeBlock()
[docs] def add_species_block(self, block=None): """ Adds a species block to the model object. """ if block is not None: # TODO: Transition to BNGErrors and logging assert isinstance(block, SpeciesBlock) self.species = block if "species" not in self.active_blocks: self.active_blocks.append("species") else: self.species = SpeciesBlock()
[docs] def add_observables_block(self, block=None): """ Adds an observable block to the model object. """ if block is not None: # TODO: Transition to BNGErrors and logging assert isinstance(block, ObservableBlock) self.observables = block if "observables" not in self.active_blocks: self.active_blocks.append("observables") else: self.observables = ObservableBlock()
[docs] def add_functions_block(self, block=None): """ Adds a functions block to the model object. """ if block is not None: # TODO: Transition to BNGErrors and logging assert isinstance(block, FunctionBlock) self.functions = block if "functions" not in self.active_blocks: self.active_blocks.append("functions") else: self.functions = FunctionBlock()
[docs] def add_rules_block(self, block=None): """ Adds a rules block to the model object. """ if block is not None: # TODO: Transition to BNGErrors and logging assert isinstance(block, RuleBlock) self.rules = block if "rules" not in self.active_blocks: self.active_blocks.append("rules") else: self.rules = RuleBlock()
[docs] def add_energy_patterns_block(self, block=None): """ Adds an energy patterns block to the model object. """ if block is not None: # TODO: Transition to BNGErrors and logging assert isinstance(block, EnergyPatternBlock) self.energy_patterns = block if "energy_patterns" not in self.active_blocks: self.active_blocks.append("energy_patterns") else: self.energy_patterns = EnergyPatternBlock()
[docs] def add_population_maps_block(self, block=None): """ Adds a population maps block to the model object. """ if block is not None: # TODO: Transition to BNGErrors and logging assert isinstance(block, PopulationMapBlock) self.population_maps = block if "population_maps" not in self.active_blocks: self.active_blocks.append("population_maps") else: self.population_maps = PopulationMapBlock()
[docs] def add_actions_block(self, block=None): """ Adds an actions block to the model object. """ if block is not None: # TODO: Transition to BNGErrors and logging assert isinstance(block, ActionBlock) self.actions = block if "actions" not in self.active_blocks: self.active_blocks.append("actions") else: self.actions = ActionBlock()
[docs] def reset_compilation_tags(self): """ This function resets all internal tags used for keeping track of changes done to a model after it's loaded. Resetting these tags will remove all history of changes. """ for block in self.active_blocks: getattr(self, block).reset_compilation_tags()
[docs] def add_action(self, action_type, action_args={}): """ Adds an action to the actions block of the model object. If an actions block doesn't exist, this will make an empty actions block and append the action to the block. Arguments --------- action_type: str the type of action being added action_args: dict a dictionary where the key is the argument type and the value is the value of that argument. """ # add actions block and to active list if not hasattr(self, "actions"): self.actions = ActionBlock() if "actions" not in self.active_blocks: self.active_blocks.append("actions") self.actions.add_action(action_type, action_args)
[docs] def write_model(self, file_name): """ write the model to file """ with open(file_name, "w") as f: f.write(str(self))
[docs] def setup_simulator(self, sim_type="libRR"): """ Sets up a simulator attribute that is a generic front-end to all other simulators. At the moment only libroadrunner is supported """ if sim_type == "libRR": # we need to add writeSBML action for now curr_actions = copy.deepcopy(self.actions) self.actions.clear_actions() self.add_action("generate_network", {"overwrite": 1}) self.add_action("writeSBML", {}) # temporary folder instead to make it work # with windows try: tmp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp() sbml_name = f"{self.model_name}_sbml.xml" # write the sbml with open(sbml_name, "w+") as f: if not ( self.bngparser.bngfile.write_xml( f, xml_type="sbml", bngl_str=str(self) ) ): raise BNGModelError( self.model_path, message="SBML couldn't be generated for libRR simulator", ) self.actions.clear_actions() # get the simulator import bionetgen as bng self.simulator = bng.sim_getter(model_file=sbml_name, sim_type=sim_type) # let's deal with observables here selections = ["time"] + [obs for obs in self.observables] self.simulator.simulator.timeCourseSelections = selections finally: shutil.rmtree(tmp_folder) self.actions = curr_actions elif sim_type == "cpy": # get the simulator import bionetgen as bng self.simulator = bng.sim_getter(model_file=self, sim_type=sim_type) return self.simulator else: print( 'Sim type {} is not recognized, only libroadrunner \ is supported currently by passing "libRR" to \ sim_type keyword argument'.format( sim_type ) ) return None # for now we return the underlying simulator return self.simulator.simulator