Source code for bionetgen.modelapi.bngparser

import xmltodict, re

from bionetgen.main import BioNetGen
from bionetgen.core.exc import BNGParseError, BNGModelError
from tempfile import TemporaryFile

from .bngfile import BNGFile
from .xmlparsers import ParameterBlockXML, CompartmentBlockXML, ObservableBlockXML
from .xmlparsers import SpeciesBlockXML, MoleculeTypeBlockXML, FunctionBlockXML
from .xmlparsers import RuleBlockXML, EnergyPatternBlockXML, PopulationMapBlockXML
from .blocks import ActionBlock
from bionetgen.core.utils.utils import ActionList

# This allows access to the CLIs config setup
app = BioNetGen()
conf = app.config["bionetgen"]
def_bng_path = conf["bngpath"]

[docs]class BNGParser: """ Parser object that deals with reading in the BNGL file and setting up the model object Usage: BNGParser(bngl_path) BNGParser(bngl_path, BNGPATH) Attributes ---------- bngfile : BNGFile BNGFile object that's responsible for .bngl file manipulations to_parse_actions : bool whether to parse the actions in a BNGL file or not alist : ActionList action list object that is used to deal with all things related to actions Methods ------- parse_model(model_obj) parses the BNGL model at the given path and adds everything to a given model object parse_xml(xml_str) parses given xml string and adds everything to a given model object """ def __init__( self, path, BNGPATH=def_bng_path, parse_actions=True, generate_network=False, suppress=True, ) -> None: self.to_parse_actions = parse_actions self.bngfile = BNGFile(path, generate_network=generate_network, suppress=True) self.alist = ActionList() self.alist.define_parser()
[docs] def parse_model(self, model_obj) -> None: """ Will determine the parser route eventually and call the right parser """ self._parse_model_bngpl(model_obj) if self.to_parse_actions: self.parse_actions(model_obj)
def _parse_model_bngpl(self, model_obj) -> None: """ Uses to generate the BNG-XML file and passes that to parse_xml method to fill up the model object appropriately """ # get file path model_file = self.bngfile.path # this route runs on the bngl and parses # the XML instead if model_file.endswith(".bngl"): # TODO: Add verbosity option to the library # print("Attempting to generate XML") with TemporaryFile("w+") as xml_file: if self.bngfile.generate_xml(xml_file): # TODO: Add verbosity option to the library xmlstr = # < is not a valid XML character, we need to replace it xmlstr = xmlstr.replace('relation="<', 'relation="&lt;') self.parse_xml(xmlstr, model_obj) model_obj.reset_compilation_tags() else: raise BNGModelError( self.bngfile.path, message="XML file couldn't be generated" ) elif model_file.endswith(".xml"): with open(model_file, "r") as f: xml_str = # < is not a valid XML character, we need to replace it xmlstr = xml_str.replace('relation="<', 'relation="&lt;') self.parse_xml(xml_str, model_obj) model_obj.reset_compilation_tags() else: raise NotImplementedError( "The extension of {} is not supported".format(model_file) )
[docs] def parse_actions(self, model_obj): """ Uses ActionList object to parse actions and turn them into action objects and fill up the ActionsBlock with them. """ if len(self.bngfile.parsed_actions) > 0: ablock = ActionBlock() # we have actions in file, let's get them # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() left = [] for action in self.bngfile.parsed_actions: # some cleanup, first we remove comments action = re.sub(r"\#.*", "", action) # now we remove whitespaces action = re.sub(r"\s", "", action) # if we don't have anything left, move on if len(action) == 0: continue # use pyparsing for parsing the action into a list try: action_list = self.alist.action_parser.parseString(action) except Exception as e: raise BNGParseError( self.bngfile.path, f"Failed to parse action {action}" ) # we could have ";" in the action, so we need to remove it if action_list[-1] == ";": _ = action_list.pop(-1) # we we move onto actually making the action object # first value is always the action type, remove atype = action_list.pop(0) # all actions have "()", remove action_list = action_list[1:-1] # be done if we don't have anything left if len(action_list) == 0: # we don't have any arguments ablock.add_action(atype, {}) continue # we have arguments now onto argument parsing # we check the action type and process accordingly if atype in self.alist.no_setter_syntax: # these are actions like setParameter("test", 10), setModelName("name") if len(action_list) == 1: # this is of the form action("argument") ablock.add_action(atype, {action_list[0]: None}) continue elif len(action_list) == 3: # TODO: Error checking here! if action_list[1] == ",": # this is of the form action(argument, value) ablock.add_action( atype, {action_list[0]: None, action_list[2]: None} ) continue elif atype in self.alist.square_braces: # these are actions like saveParameters(["a","b"]) # TODO: Error checking here! if action_list[0] == "[": # remove square braces action_list = action_list[1:-1] arg_dict = {} for arg in action_list: arg_dict[arg] = None ablock.add_action(atype, arg_dict) continue elif atype in self.alist.normal_types: # finally a normal action, we have {} and => syntax # TODO: Error checking here! if action_list[0] == "{": # remove curly braces action_list = action_list[1:-1] arg_dict = {} if len(action_list) == 0: ablock.add_action(atype, arg_dict) continue while len(action_list) > 0: arg_name = action_list.pop(0) connector = action_list.pop(0) if connector != "=>": raise BNGParseError( self.bngfile.path, f"Action {action} is malformed" ) if arg_name in self.alist.irregular_args: arg_type = self.alist.irregular_args[arg_name] if arg_type == "dict": # process dict start_curly = action_list.pop(0) # make sure we are actually reading a dict if start_curly != "{": raise BNGParseError( self.bngfile.path, f"Action {action} is malformed", ) value_str = "{" end_curly = None while end_curly is None: # we are looping over A, =>, B and want to # generate { A=>B, C=>D, etc } dict_key = action_list.pop(0) if dict_key == "}": # we are done end_curly = dict_key else: if len(value_str) > 1: value_str += "," dict_conn = action_list.pop(0) dict_val = action_list.pop(0) if dict_conn != "=>": raise BNGParseError( self.bngfile.path, f"Action {action} is malformed", ) value_str += dict_key + dict_conn + dict_val value_str += "}" arg_value = value_str elif arg_type == "list": # process list start_curly = action_list.pop(0) # make sure we are actually reading a dict if start_curly != "[": raise BNGParseError( self.bngfile.path, f"Action {action} is malformed", ) value_str = "[" end_curly = None while end_curly is None: argument_element = action_list.pop(0) if argument_element == "]": end_curly = argument_element else: if len(value_str) > 1: value_str += "," value_str += argument_element value_str += "]" arg_value = value_str else: arg_value = action_list.pop(0) arg_dict[arg_name] = arg_value ablock.add_action(atype, arg_dict) continue else: raise BNGParseError( self.bngfile.path, f"Action type {atype} is not recognized." ) model_obj.add_block(ablock)
[docs] def parse_xml(self, xml_str, model_obj) -> None: """ The main parsing method that parses the contents of a dictionary created from the BNG-XML file using `xmltodict` library. This method will use XML parser objects to generate each block to attach to the model object """ xml_dict = xmltodict.parse(xml_str) # catch non-BNG XML files if "sbml" not in xml_dict: if "model" not in xml_dict["sbml"]: raise BNGParseError( self.bngfile.path, "Input model is invalid. Please ensure model is in proper BNGL or BNG-XML format", ) model_obj.xml_dict = xml_dict first_key = list(xml_dict.keys())[0] xml_model = xml_dict[first_key]["model"] model_obj.model_name = xml_model["@id"] for listkey in xml_model.keys(): if listkey == "ListOfParameters": param_list = xml_model[listkey] if param_list is not None: params = param_list["Parameter"] xml_parser = ParameterBlockXML(params) model_obj.add_block(xml_parser.parsed_obj) elif listkey == "ListOfObservables": obs_list = xml_model[listkey] if obs_list is not None: obs = obs_list["Observable"] xml_parser = ObservableBlockXML(obs) model_obj.add_block(xml_parser.parsed_obj) elif listkey == "ListOfCompartments": comp_list = xml_model[listkey] if comp_list is not None: comps = comp_list["compartment"] xml_parser = CompartmentBlockXML(comps) model_obj.add_block(xml_parser.parsed_obj) elif listkey == "ListOfMoleculeTypes": mtypes_list = xml_model[listkey] if mtypes_list is not None: mtypes = mtypes_list["MoleculeType"] xml_parser = MoleculeTypeBlockXML(mtypes) model_obj.add_block(xml_parser.parsed_obj) elif listkey == "ListOfSpecies": species_list = xml_model[listkey] if species_list is not None: species = species_list["Species"] xml_parser = SpeciesBlockXML(species) model_obj.add_block(xml_parser.parsed_obj) elif listkey == "ListOfReactionRules": rrules_list = xml_model[listkey] if rrules_list is not None: rrules = rrules_list["ReactionRule"] xml_parser = RuleBlockXML(rrules) model_obj.add_block(xml_parser.parsed_obj) elif listkey == "ListOfFunctions": # TODO: Optional expression parsing? # TODO: Add arguments correctly func_list = xml_model[listkey] if func_list is not None: funcs = func_list["Function"] xml_parser = FunctionBlockXML(funcs) model_obj.add_block(xml_parser.parsed_obj) elif listkey == "ListOfEnergyPatterns": ep_list = xml_model[listkey] if ep_list is not None: eps = ep_list["EnergyPattern"] xml_parser = EnergyPatternBlockXML(eps) model_obj.add_block(xml_parser.parsed_obj) elif listkey == "ListOfPopulationMaps": pm_list = xml_model[listkey] if pm_list is not None: pms = pm_list["PopulationMap"] xml_parser = PopulationMapBlockXML(pms) model_obj.add_block(xml_parser.parsed_obj)
# And that's the end of parsing # TODO: Add verbosity option to the library # print("Parsing complete")