Source code for bionetgen.main

import cement
import bionetgen as bng
from cement.core.exc import CaughtSignal
from .core.exc import BNGError
from .core.exc import BNGVersionError
from .core.main import runCLI
from .core.main import plotDAT
from .core.main import runAtomizeTool
from .core.main import printInfo
from .core.main import visualizeModel
from .core.main import graphDiff
from .core.main import generate_notebook
from .core.utils.utils import test_perl

# pull defaults defined in core/defaults
CONF = bng.defaults
VERSION_BANNER = bng.defaults.banner

# require version argparse action
import argparse, sys
from pkg_resources import packaging

[docs]class requireAction(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, option_strings, dest, nargs=None, **kwargs): if nargs is not None: raise ValueError("nargs not allowed") super().__init__(option_strings, dest, **kwargs) def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None): setattr(namespace, self.dest, values) if values is not None: req_version = packaging.version.parse(values) cver = bng.core.version.get_version() cur_version = packaging.version.parse(cver) # if we don't meet requirement, warn user sys.tracebacklimit = 0 if not (cur_version >= req_version): raise BNGVersionError(cur_version, req_version)
# return super().__call__(parser, namespace, values, option_string=option_string)
[docs]class BNGBase(cement.Controller): """ Base cement controller for BioNetGen CLI Used to set meta attributes like program name (label) as well as command line arguments. Each method is a subcommand in the command line with its own command line arguments. Subcommands ------- run runs a model given by -i in folder given by -o notebook generates and opens a notebook for a model given by -i, optional plot plots a gdat/cdat/scan file given by -i into file supplied by -o info provides version and path information about the BNG installation and dependencies visualize provides various visualization options for BNG models """
[docs] class Meta: label = "bionetgen" description = "A simple CLI to bionetgen <>. Note that you need Perl installed." help = "bionetgen" arguments = [ # TODO: Auto-load in BioNetGen version here (["-v", "--version"], dict(action="version", version=VERSION_BANNER)), # (['-s','--sedml'],dict(type=str, # default=CONF.config['bionetgen']['bngpath'], # help="Optional path to SED-ML file, if available the simulation \ # protocol described in SED-ML will be ran")), (["-req", "--require"], dict(action=requireAction, type=str, default=None)), ( ["-ll", "--log-level"], { "help": 'This option allows you to select a logging level, from quietest to loudest options are: "CRITICAL", "ERROR", "WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG". Default is set to INFO', "default": None, "type": str, }, ), ]
# This overwrites the default behavior and runs the CLI object from core/main # which in turn just calls with the supplied options
[docs] @cement.ex( help="Runs a given model using", arguments=[ ( ["-i", "--input"], { "help": "Path to BNGL file (required)", "default": None, "type": str, "required": True, }, ), ( ["-o", "--output"], { "help": 'Optional path to output folder (default: ".")', "default": ".", "type": str, }, ), ( ["-l", "--log"], { "help": "saves log to a file given (default: None)", "default": None, "type": str, "dest": "log_file", }, ), ( ["--traceback-depth"], { "help": "Sets the traceback depth for python. " + "Defaults to 0 to avoid long tracebacks after a failed call", "default": 0, "type": int, "dest": "traceback_depth", }, ), ], ) def run(self): """ This is the main run functionality of the CLI. It uses a convenience function defined in core/main to run using subprocess, given the set of arguments in the command line and the configuraions set by the defaults as well as the end-user. """ test_perl( runCLI(
[docs] @cement.ex( help="Starts a Jupyter notebook to help run and analyze \ bionetgen models", arguments=[ ( ["-i", "--input"], { "help": "Path to BNGL file to use with notebook", "default": None, "type": str, "required": False, }, ), ( ["-o", "--output"], { "help": "(optional) File to write the notebook in", "default": "", "type": str, }, ), ( ["-op", "--open"], { "help": "(optional) If given, the notebook will be opened using nbopen", "action": "store_true", }, ), ], ) def notebook(self): """ Notebook subcommand that boots up a Jupyter notebook using the nbopen library. It uses a BNGNotebook class defined in core/notebook. The default template can be found under assets and in the future will likely be replaced by a standard templating tool (e.g. Jinja). The default base template is agnostic to the model and if -i is given the template then will be adjusted to load in the model supplied. """ test_perl( generate_notebook(
[docs] @cement.ex( help="Rudimentary plotting of gdat/cdat/scan files", arguments=[ ( ["-i", "--input"], { "help": "Path to .gdat/.cdat file to use plot", "default": None, "type": str, "required": True, }, ), ( ["-o", "--output"], { "help": 'Optional path for the plot (default: "$model_name.png")', "default": ".", "type": str, }, ), ( ["--legend"], { "help": "To plot the legend or not (default: False)", "default": False, "action": "store_true", "required": False, }, ), ( ["--xmin"], { "help": "x-axis minimum (default: determined from data)", "default": None, "type": float, }, ), ( ["--xmax"], { "help": "x-axis maximum (default: determined from data)", "default": False, "type": float, }, ), ( ["--ymin"], { "help": "y-axis minimum (default: determined from data)", "default": False, "type": float, }, ), ( ["--ymax"], { "help": "y-axis maximum (default: determined from data)", "default": False, "type": float, }, ), (["--xlabel"], {"help": "x-axis label (default: time)", "default": False}), ( ["--ylabel"], {"help": "y-axis label (default: concentration)", "default": False}, ), ( ["--title"], { "help": "title of plot (default: determined from input file)", "default": False, }, ), ], ) def plot(self): """ Plotting subcommand for very basic plotting using a convenience function defined in core/main. Currently we support gdat/cdat/scan file plotting, in a very basic manner. This command expects a space separated file where each column is a series. The first column is used for the x-axis and the rest is used as y-axis and every series is plotted. See bionetgen plot -h for all the allowed options. """ plotDAT(
[docs] @cement.ex( help="Provides version information for BNG and dependencies", arguments=[ ( ["-d", "--detail"], { "help": "Adds more detail to the information printed.", "default": False, "action": "store_true", }, ), ], ) def info(self): """ Information subcommand to provide installation versions and paths. Currently provides version information for BioNetGen, the BNG CLI, Perl, numpy, pandas, and libroadrunner. Also provides and pyBNG paths. """ printInfo(
[docs] @cement.ex( help="Provides a simple way to get various visualizations of the model.", arguments=[ ( ["-i", "--input"], { "help": "Path to BNGL model to visualize", "default": None, "type": str, "required": True, }, ), ( ["-o", "--output"], { "help": "(optional) Output folder, defaults to current folder", "default": None, "type": str, }, ), ( ["-t", "--type"], { "help": "(optional) Type of visualization requested. Valid options are: " + "'ruleviz_pattern','ruleviz_operation', 'contactmap', 'regulatory' and 'atom_rule'." + " Regulatory and atom rule graphs are the same thing, defaults to 'contactmap'.", "default": "", "type": str, }, ), ], ) def visualize(self): """ Subcommand to generate visualizations. Currently only supports visualize action from BioNetGen. Types of visualizations and their options - Rule pattern visualization: Visualization of each rule as a bipartite graph - Rule operation visualization: Visualization of each rule showing explicit graph operations - Contact map: Visualize the contact map of the model - Regulatory graph: Visualize the regulatory graph of the model, also called atom rule graph """ test_perl( visualizeModel(
[docs] @cement.ex( help="A subcommand to compare two contact maps made by BioNetGen. " + 'The default mode is "matrix" mode and will generate 4 graphs, two for each individual input ' + "recolored, one for input 1 - input 2 and one for input 2 - input 1. This can be used to find " + "differences and communalities between two BNGL models of the same process. ", arguments=[ ( ["-i", "--input"], { "help": "Path to the first graphml file to diff", "default": None, "type": str, "required": True, }, ), ( ["-i2", "--input2"], { "help": "Path to the second graphml file to diff", "default": None, "type": str, "required": True, }, ), ( ["-o", "--output"], { "help": "(optional) Output graphml file for the diff input 1 - input 2", "default": None, "type": str, "required": False, }, ), ( ["-o2", "--output2"], { "help": "(optional) Output graphml file for the diff input 2 - input 1", "default": None, "type": str, "required": False, }, ), ( ["-m", "--mode"], { "help": 'Diff mode. There are currently two available modes "matrix" and "union".', "default": "matrix", "type": str, }, ), ( ["-c", "--colors"], { "help": "Path to the json file that contains color choices.", "default": None, "type": str, }, ), ], ) def graphdiff(self): # TODO: add documentation here """ """ test_perl( graphDiff(
[docs] @cement.ex( help="SBML to BNGL translator", arguments=[ ( ["-i", "--input"], { "help": "input SBML file", "default": None, "type": str, "required": True, }, ), ( ["-o", "--output"], { "help": "output SBML file", "default": ".", "type": str, }, ), ( ["-t", "--annotation"], { "help": "keep annotation information", "default": False, "action": "store_true", }, ), ( ["-c", "--convention-file"], { "help": "Conventions file", "type": str, }, ), ( ["-n", "--naming-conventions"], { "help": "Naming conventions file", "type": str, }, ), ( ["-u", "--user-structures"], { "help": "User defined species", "type": str, }, ), ( ["-id", "--molecule-id"], { "help": "use SBML molecule ids instead of names. IDs are less descriptive but more bngl friendly. Use only if the generated BNGL has syntactic errors", "default": False, "action": "store_true", }, ), ( ["-a", "--atomize"], { "help": "Infer molecular structure", "default": False, "action": "store_true", }, ), ( ["-p", "--pathwaycommons"], { "help": "Don't use web services to infer information on the SBML species. Use this setting when you don't have an internet connection.", "default": True, "action": "store_false", }, ), ( ["-s", "--isomorphism-check"], { "help": "disallow atomizations that produce the same graph structure", "action": "store_true", }, ), ( ["-I", "--ignore"], { "help": "ignore atomization translation errors", "action": "store_true", }, ), ( ["-mr", "--memoized-resolver"], { "help": "sometimes the dependency graph is too large and might cause a very large memory requirement. This option will slow the translator down but will decrease memory usage", "default": False, "action": "store_true", }, ), ( ["-k", "--keep-local-parameters"], { "help": "this option will keep the local parameters unresolved so that they can be controlled from the parameter section in the BNGL. Without this option, local parameters will be resolved to their values in functions", "default": False, "action": "store_true", }, ), ( ["-q", "--quiet-mode"], { "help": "this option will supress logging into STDIO and instead will write the logging into a file", "default": False, "action": "store_true", }, ), ( ["-omf", "--obs-map-file"], { "help": "With this option enabled atomizer will print the map between SBML and BNGL observables in JSON format", "default": None, "type": str, }, ), ( ["-sct", "--write-scts"], { "help": "If this option is selected, the SCTs used for atomization will be dumped. Useful for understanding what atomizer is doing and debugging.", "default": False, "action": "store_true", }, ), ( ["-wsg", "--write-sct-graphs"], { "help": "If this option is selected along with --write-scts, each step of the SCT update will be outputted as graphs in graphml format.", "default": False, "action": "store_true", }, ), # ( # ["-cu", "--convert-units"], # { # "help": "convert units. Otherwise units are copied straight from sbml to bngl", # "default": True, # "action": "store_false", # }, # ), ], ) def atomize(self): runAtomizeTool(
[docs]class BioNetGen(cement.App): """ Cement app for BioNetGen CLI Used to set configuration options like config default, exiting on close and setting log handler. Currently set attributes are below. Attributes ---------- label : str name of the application config_defaults : str the default set of configuration options, set in BNGDefaults object config_handler: str the name of the config handler, determines the syntax of the config files config_file_suffix: str the suffix to be used for config files config_files: list of str additional list of config files to enable exit_on_close : boolean determine if the app should exit when the key function is ran extensions : list of str extensions to be used with cement framework log_handler: str name of the log handler handlers: list of obj list of objects derived from cement.Controller that handles the actual CLI """
[docs] class Meta: label = "bionetgen" # configuration defaults config_defaults = CONF.config # call sys.exit() on close exit_on_close = True # load additional framework extensions extensions = [ "colorlog", ] # configuration handler config_handler = "configparser" # configuration file suffix config_file_suffix = ".conf" # add current folder to the list of config dirs config_files = ["./.{}.conf".format(label)] # set the log handler log_handler = "colorlog" # register handlers handlers = [BNGBase]
[docs]class BioNetGenTest(cement.TestApp, BioNetGen): """ A sub-class of BioNetGen CLI application for testing purposes. See tests/ for examples. """
[docs] class Meta: label = "bionetgen"
[docs]def main(): with BioNetGen() as app: try: except AssertionError as e: print("AssertionError > %s" % e.args[0]) app.exit_code = 1 # TODO: figure out if this is what we want, # rn it prints stuff twice # if app.debug is True: # import traceback # traceback.print_exc() except BNGError as e: print("BNGError > %s" % e.args[0]) app.exit_code = 1 # TODO: figure out if this is what we want, # rn it prints stuff twice # if app.debug is True: # import traceback # traceback.print_exc() except CaughtSignal as e: # Default Cement signals are SIGINT and SIGTERM, exit 0 (non-error) print("\n%s" % e) app.exit_code = 0
if __name__ == "__main__": main()