Source code for

import os, bionetgen, glob
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory

from bionetgen.core.utils.logging import BNGLogger

[docs]class VisResult: """ Class that's used to load and write in `.graphml` files generated by BioNetGen. Helper class for BNGVisualize """ def __init__(self, input_folder, name=None, vtype=None, app=None) -> None: = app self.logger = BNGLogger( self.logger.debug( "Setting up VisResult object", loc=f"{__file__} : VisResult.__init__()" ) self.input_folder = input_folder = name self.vtype = vtype self.rc = None self.out = None self.files = [] self.file_strs = {} self.file_graphs = {} self._load_files() def _load_files(self) -> None: self.logger.debug( "Loading graphml/gml files", loc=f"{__file__} : VisResult._load_files()" ) # we need to assume some sort of GML output # at least for now # use the name, if given, search for GMLs if not gmls = glob.glob("*.gml") graphmls = glob.glob("*.graphml") graphfiles = gmls + graphmls for gfile in graphfiles: if is None: self.files.append(gfile) # now load into string with open(gfile, "r") as f: l = self.file_strs[gfile] = l else: # pull GMLs that contain the name if in gfile: self.files.append(gfile) # now load into string with open(gfile, "r") as f: l = self.file_strs[gfile] = l def _dump_files(self, folder) -> None: self.logger.debug( "Writing graphml/gml files", loc=f"{__file__} : VisResult._dump_files()" ) os.chdir(folder) for gfile in self.files: g_name = os.path.split(gfile)[-1] with open(g_name, "w") as f: f.write(self.file_strs[gfile])
[docs]class BNGVisualize: """ Class that generates various grapsh in `.graphml` format for a model. Usage: BNGVisualize(INPUT_FILE, output=OUTPATH, vtype="contactmap", bngpath=BNGPATH) Arguments --------- input_file : str path to input `.bngl` file output : str path to output folder vtype: str type of visualization. valid options are: "contactmap", "ruleviz_pattern", "ruleviz_operation", "regulatory" and "all" bngpath : str path to suppress : bool suppresses any output from calls app : Cement App Cement framework app object if working with cement frame work Methods ------- run : None runs the commands necessary to generate the graph files """ def __init__( self, input_file, output=None, vtype=None, bngpath=None, suppress=None, app=None ) -> None: = app self.logger = BNGLogger( self.logger.debug( "Setting up BNGVisualize object", loc=f"{__file__} : BNGVisualize.__init__()", ) # set input, required self.input = input_file # set valid types self.valid_types = [ "contactmap", "ruleviz_pattern", "ruleviz_operation", "regulatory", ] self.accept_types = [ "contactmap", "ruleviz_pattern", "ruleviz_operation", "regulatory", "atom_rule", "all", ] # set visualization type, default yo contactmap if vtype is None or len(vtype) == 0: vtype = "contactmap" if vtype not in self.accept_types: raise ValueError(f"{vtype} is not a valid visualization type") self.vtype = vtype # set output self.output = output self.suppress = suppress self.bngpath = bngpath
[docs] def run(self) -> VisResult: self.logger.debug("Running", loc=f"{__file__} :") return self._normal_mode()
def _normal_mode(self): self.logger.debug( f"Running on normal mode, loading model {self.input}", loc=f"{__file__} : BNGVisualize._normal_mode()", ) model = bionetgen.modelapi.bngmodel(self.input) model.actions.clear_actions() if self.vtype == "all": for valid_type in self.valid_types: if valid_type == "regulatory": model.add_action( "visualize", action_args={ "type": f"'{valid_type}'", "background": 1, "ruleNames": 1, }, ) else: model.add_action( "visualize", action_args={"type": f"'{valid_type}'"} ) else: if self.vtype == "atom_rule": model.add_action( "visualize", action_args={ "type": f"'regulatory'", "background": 1, "ruleNames": 1, }, ) else: model.add_action("visualize", action_args={"type": f"'{self.vtype}'"}) # TODO: Work in temp folder cur_dir = os.getcwd() from bionetgen.core.main import BNGCLI self.logger.debug( "Generating visualization files", loc=f"{__file__} : BNGVisualize._normal_mode()", ) if self.output is None: with TemporaryDirectory() as out: # instantiate a CLI object with the info cli = BNGCLI(model, out, self.bngpath, suppress=self.suppress) try: # load vis vis_res = VisResult( os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()), name=model.model_name, vtype=self.vtype, ) # go back os.chdir(cur_dir) # dump files vis_res._dump_files(cur_dir) return vis_res except Exception as e: os.chdir(cur_dir) print("Couldn't run the simulation, see error.") raise e else: # instantiate a CLI object with the info cli = BNGCLI(model, self.output, self.bngpath, suppress=self.suppress) try: # load vis vis_res = VisResult( os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()), name=model.model_name, vtype=self.vtype, ) # go back os.chdir(cur_dir) return vis_res except Exception as e: self.logger.error( "Failed to run file", loc=f"{__file__} : BNGVisualize._normal_mode()", ) os.chdir(cur_dir) print("Couldn't run the simulation, see error.") raise e