Source code for

import os, subprocess
from bionetgen.core.exc import BNGRunError
from bionetgen.core.utils.logging import BNGLogger

[docs]class BNGCLI: """ Command Line Interface class to run on a given model. Usage: BNGCLI(inp_file, output, bngpath) Arguments --------- inp_file : str path to the the BNGL file to run output : str path to the output folder to run the model in bngpath : str path to BioNetGen folder where lives Methods ------- run() runs the model in the given output folder """ def __init__( self, inp_file, output, bngpath, suppress=False, log_file=None, timeout=None, app=None, ): = app self.logger = BNGLogger( self.logger.debug( "Setting up BNGCLI object", loc=f"{__file__} : BNGCLI.__init__()" ) self.inp_file = inp_file import bionetgen.modelapi.model as mdl if isinstance(inp_file, mdl.bngmodel): self.is_bngmodel = True else: self.is_bngmodel = False # ensure correct path to the input file self.inp_path = os.path.abspath(self.inp_file) # pull other arugments out self._set_output(output) # sedml_file = sedml self.bngpath = bngpath # setting up self.bng_exec = os.path.join(self.bngpath, "") # TODO: Transition to BNGErrors and logging assert os.path.exists(self.bng_exec), " is not found!" if "BNGPATH" in os.environ: self.old_bngpath = os.environ["BNGPATH"] else: self.old_bngpath = None os.environ["BNGPATH"] = self.bngpath self.result = None self.stdout = "PIPE" self.stderr = "STDOUT" self.suppress = suppress self.log_file = log_file self.timeout = timeout def _set_output(self, output): self.logger.debug( "Setting up output path", loc=f"{__file__} : BNGCLI._set_output()" ) # setting up output area self.output = output if os.path.isdir(output): # path exists, let's go there os.chdir(output) else: os.mkdir(output) os.chdir(output)
[docs] def run(self): self.logger.debug("Running", loc=f"{__file__} :") from bionetgen.core.utils.utils import run_command try: stdout_loc = getattr(subprocess, self.stdout) except: stdout_loc = subprocess.PIPE try: stderr_loc = getattr(subprocess, self.stderr) except: stderr_loc = subprocess.STDOUT # run if self.is_bngmodel: self.logger.debug( "The given model is a bngmodel object", loc=f"{__file__} :" ) self.logger.debug( "Writing the model to a file", loc=f"{__file__} :" ) write_to = self.inp_file.model_name + ".bngl" write_to = os.path.abspath(write_to) if os.path.isfile(write_to): self.logger.warning( f"Overwriting file {write_to}", loc=f"{__file__} :" ) with open(write_to, "w") as tfile: tfile.write(str(self.inp_file)) command = ["perl", self.bng_exec, write_to] else: self.logger.debug( "The given model is a file", loc=f"{__file__} :" ) fname = os.path.basename(self.inp_path) fname = fname.replace(".bngl", "") command = ["perl", self.bng_exec, self.inp_path] self.logger.debug("Running command", loc=f"{__file__} :") rc, out = run_command(command, suppress=self.suppress, timeout=self.timeout) if self.log_file is not None: self.logger.debug("Setting up log file", loc=f"{__file__} :") # test if we were given a path # TODO: This is a simple hack, might need to adjust it # trying to check if given file is an absolute/relative # path and if so, use that one. Otherwise, divine the # current path. if os.path.exists(self.log_file): # file or folder exists, check if folder if os.path.isdir(self.log_file): fname = os.path.basename(self.inp_path) fname = fname.replace(".bngl", "") full_log_path = os.path.join(self.log_file, fname + ".log") else: # it's intended to be file, so we keep it as is full_log_path = self.log_file else: # doesn't exist, so we assume it's a file # and we keep it as is full_log_path = self.log_file self.logger.debug("Writing log file", loc=f"{__file__} :") with open(full_log_path, "w") as f: f.write("\n".join(out)) if rc == 0: self.logger.debug( "Command ran successfully", loc=f"{__file__} :" ) from import BNGResult # load in the result self.result = BNGResult(os.getcwd()) self.result.process_return = rc self.result.output = out # set BNGPATH back if self.old_bngpath is not None: os.environ["BNGPATH"] = self.old_bngpath else: self.logger.error("Command failed to run", loc=f"{__file__} :") self.result = None # set BNGPATH back if self.old_bngpath is not None: os.environ["BNGPATH"] = self.old_bngpath if hasattr(out, "stdout"): stdout_str = out.stdout.decode("utf-8") else: stdout_str = None if hasattr(out, "stdout"): stderr_str = out.stderr.decode("utf-8") else: stderr_str = None raise BNGRunError(command, stdout=stdout_str, stderr=stderr_str)