Source code for bionetgen.atomizer.utils.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Mar 25 21:26:49 2012

@author: proto
from __future__ import division
import json
from functools import partial
import marshal, colorlog
from bionetgen.core.utils.logging import BNGLogger

from pyparsing import (
import math
import operator
import os
from subprocess import call
import functools
import pylru

logger = BNGLogger()

[docs]def pmemoize(obj): cache = obj.cache = pylru.lrucache(500) @functools.wraps(obj) def memoizer(*args, **kwargs): key = marshal.dumps([args, kwargs]) if key not in cache: cache[key] = obj(*args, **kwargs) return cache[key] return memoizer
# import progressbar # sys.path.insert(0, '../utils/') # import consoleCommands as console
[docs]class memoize(object): """cache the return value of a method This class is meant to be used as a decorator of methods. The return value from a given method invocation will be cached on the instance whose method was invoked. All arguments passed to a method decorated with memoize must be hashable. If a memoized method is invoked directly on its class the result will not be cached. Instead the method will be invoked like a static method: class Obj(object): @memoize def add_to(self, arg): return self + arg Obj.add_to(1) # not enough arguments Obj.add_to(1, 2) # returns 3, result is not cached """ def __init__(self, func): self.func = func def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): if obj is None: return self.func return partial(self, obj) def __call__(self, *args, **kw): obj = args[0] try: cache = obj.__cache except AttributeError: cache = obj.__cache = {} key = (self.func, marshal.dumps(args[1:]), frozenset(kw.items())) try: res = cache[key] except KeyError: res = cache[key] = self.func(*args, **kw) return res
# ASS: optimizing the memoization method used with # resolveHelper method specifically to use less # memory, important in certain larger models
[docs]class memoizeMapped(object): """ Optimized local cache for recursive resolveHelper method to limit memory usage """ def __init__(self, func): self.func = func self.cache = {} def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None): if obj is None: return self.func return partial(self, obj) def __call__(self, obj, gkey, react, mem, withMod): key1 = gkey key2 = react # This memory hash is a bit suspect, key3 = hash(tuple(sorted(mem))) key4 = withMod try: res = self.cache[key1][key2][key3][key4] except KeyError: try: d = self.cache[key1] except KeyError: self.cache[key1] = {} try: d = self.cache[key1][key2] except KeyError: self.cache[key1][key2] = {} try: d = self.cache[key1][key2][key3] except KeyError: self.cache[key1][key2][key3] = {} try: d = self.cache[key1][key2][key3][key4] except KeyError: self.cache[key1][key2][key3][key4] = None res = self.cache[key1][key2][key3][key4] = self.func( obj, gkey, react, mem, withMod ) return res
[docs]class TranslationException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.value = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.value)
[docs]class NumericStringParser(object): """ Most of this code comes from the pyparsing example """
[docs] def pushFirst(self, strg, loc, toks): self.exprStack.append(toks[0])
[docs] def pushUMinus(self, strg, loc, toks): if toks and toks[0] == "-": self.exprStack.append("unary -")
def __init__(self): """ expop :: '^' multop :: '*' | '/' addop :: '+' | '-' integer :: ['+' | '-'] '0'..'9'+ atom :: PI | E | real | fn '(' expr ')' | '(' expr ')' factor :: atom [ expop factor ]* term :: factor [ multop factor ]* expr :: term [ addop term ]* """ point = Literal(".") e = CaselessLiteral("E") fnumber = Combine( Word("+-" + alphanums + "_", alphanums + "_") + Optional(point + Optional(Word(alphanums + "_"))) + Optional(e + Word("+-" + alphanums + "_", alphanums + "_")) ) ident = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_") plus = Literal("+") minus = Literal("-") mult = Literal("*") div = Literal("/") lpar = Literal("(").suppress() rpar = Literal(")").suppress() addop = plus | minus multop = mult | div expop = Literal("^") pi = CaselessLiteral("PI") expr = Forward() function = ident + lpar + expr + ZeroOrMore("," + expr) + rpar atom = ( ( Optional(oneOf("- +")) + (pi | e | function | fnumber).setParseAction(self.pushFirst) ) | Optional(oneOf("- +")) + Group(lpar + expr + rpar) ).setParseAction(self.pushUMinus) # by defining exponentiation as "atom [ ^ factor ]..." instead of # "atom [ ^ atom ]...", we get right-to-left exponents, instead of left-to-right # that is, 2^3^2 = 2^(3^2), not (2^3)^2. factor = Forward() factor << atom + ZeroOrMore((expop + factor).setParseAction(self.pushFirst)) term = factor + ZeroOrMore((multop + factor).setParseAction(self.pushFirst)) expr << term + ZeroOrMore((addop + term).setParseAction(self.pushFirst)) # addop_term = ( addop + term ).setParseAction( self.pushFirst ) # general_term = term + ZeroOrMore( addop_term ) | OneOrMore( addop_term) # expr << general_term self.bnf = expr # map operator symbols to corresponding arithmetic operations epsilon = 1e-12 self.opn = { "+": operator.add, "-": operator.sub, "*": operator.mul, "/": operator.truediv, "^": operator.pow, } self.fn = { "sin": math.sin, "cos": math.cos, "tan": math.tan, "abs": abs, "trunc": lambda a: int(a), "round": round, "sgn": lambda a: abs(a) > epsilon and cmp(a, 0) or 0, }
[docs] def evaluateStack(self, s): op = s.pop() print(op) if op == "unary -": return -self.evaluateStack(s) if op in "+-*/^": op2 = self.evaluateStack(s) op1 = self.evaluateStack(s) return self.opn[op](op1, op2) elif op == "PI": return math.pi # 3.1415926535 elif op == "E": return math.e # 2.718281828 elif op in self.fn: return self.fn[op](self.evaluateStack(s)) elif op[0].isalpha(): return 0 else: return float(op)
[docs] def eval(self, num_string, parseAll=True): self.exprStack = [] # remove comments if num_string.find("#") != -1: num_string = num_string[0 : num_string.find("#")] try: results = self.bnf.parseString(num_string, parseAll) return True except: return False
# val=self.evaluateStack( self.exprStack[:] ) # return val
[docs]def defaultReactionDefinition(): listOfReactions = {"1": [["S0", "S1"], ["S2"]], "2": [["S2"], ["S0", "S1"]]} listOfDefinitions = {"Binding": [1, 2]} final = {"reactions": listOfReactions, "definitions": listOfDefinitions} with open("reactionDefinition.json", "w") as fp: json.dump(final, fp)
# def setupLog(fileName, level, quietMode=False): # if quietMode: # colorlog.basicConfig(filename=fileName, level=level, filemode="w") # else: # colorlog.basicConfig(level=level) # def setupStreamLog(console): # # set colorlog handler # fmter = colorlog.ColoredFormatter( # "%(log_color)s%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s", # log_colors={ # "DEBUG": "cyan", # "INFO": "green", # "WARNING": "yellow", # "ERROR": "red", # "CRITICAL": "red", # }, # ) # # tell the handler to use this format # console.setFormatter(fmter) # # colorlog.getLogger().addHandler(console) # def finishStreamLog(console): # colorlog.getLogger().removeHandler(console)
[docs]def logMess(logType, logMessage): level = logType.split(":")[0] module = logType.split(":")[1] if level == "INFO":, loc=f"{__file__} : {module}.logMess()") elif level == "DEBUG": logger.debug(logMessage, loc=f"{__file__} : {module}.logMess()") elif level == "WARNING": logger.warning(logMessage, loc=f"{__file__} : {module}.logMess()") elif level == "CRITICAL": logger.critical(logMessage, loc=f"{__file__} : {module}.logMess()") elif level == "ERROR": logger.error(logMessage, loc=f"{__file__} : {module}.logMess()")
[docs]def testBNGFailure(fileName): with open(os.devnull, "w") as f: result = call(["bngdev", fileName], stdout=f) return result
''' def getValidFiles(directory, extension): """ Gets a list of bngl files that could be correctly translated in a given 'directory' """ matches = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(directory): for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.{0}'.format(extension)): matches.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) for i in xrange(len(matches)): matches[i] = (matches[i], os.path.getsize(matches[i])) matches.sort(key=lambda filename: filename[1], reverse=False) matches = [x[0] for x in matches] return matches def generateBNGXML(directory): bnglFiles = getValidFiles(directory, 'bngl') print('converting {0} bnglfiles'.format(len(bnglFiles))) progress = progressbar.ProgressBar() for i in progress(range(len(bnglFiles))): xmlName = '.'.join(bnglFiles[i].split('.')[:-1]) + '.xml' if os.path.exists(xmlName): continue console.bngl2xml(bnglFiles[i], timeout=10) print('moving xml files') files = glob.iglob(os.path.join('.', "*.xml")) for xmlfile in files: if os.path.isfile(xmlfile): shutil.move(xmlfile, directory) '''