Source code for bionetgen.atomizer.utils.structures

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May 30 11:44:17 2012

@author: proto
from copy import deepcopy
import difflib
import hashlib
import numpy
from collections import Counter, defaultdict

[docs]def compareLists(list1, list2): return Counter(list1) == Counter(list2)
[docs]class Species: def __init__(self): self.molecules = [] self.bondNumbers = [] def __eq__(self, other): return str(self) == str(other)
[docs] def getBondNumbers(self): bondNumbers = [0] for element in self.molecules: bondNumbers.extend(element.getBondNumbers()) return bondNumbers
[docs] def copy(self): species = Species() for molecule in self.molecules: species.molecules.append(molecule.copy()) return species
[docs] def addMolecule(self, molecule, concatenate=False, iteration=1): if not concatenate: self.molecules.append(molecule) else: counter = 1 for element in self.molecules: if == if iteration == counter: element.extend(molecule) return else: counter += 1 self.molecules.append(molecule)
# self.molecules.append(molecule) # for element in self.molecules: # if ==
[docs] def addCompartment(self, tags): for molecule in self.molecules: molecule.setCompartment(tags)
[docs] def deleteMolecule(self, moleculeName): deadMolecule = None for element in self.molecules: if == moleculeName: deadMolecule = element if deadMolecule == None: return bondNumbers = deadMolecule.getBondNumbers() self.molecules.remove(deadMolecule) for element in self.molecules: for component in element.components: for number in bondNumbers: if str(number) in component.bonds: component.bonds.remove(str(number))
[docs] def getMolecule(self, moleculeName): for molecule in self.molecules: if moleculeName == return molecule return None
[docs] def getSize(self): return len(self.molecules)
[docs] def getMoleculeNames(self): return [ for x in self.molecules]
[docs] def contains(self, moleculeName): for molecule in self.molecules: if moleculeName == return True return False
[docs] def addChunk(self, tags, moleculesComponents, precursors): """ temporary transitional method """ for tag, components in zip(tags, moleculesComponents): if self.contains(tag): tmp = self.getMolecule(tag) else: tmp = Molecule(tag) # for element in precursors: # if element.getMolecule(tag) != None: # tmp = element.getMolecule(tag) for component in components: if tmp.contains(component[0][0]): tmpCompo = tmp.getComponent(component[0][0]) # continue else: tmpCompo = Component(component[0][0]) for index in range(1, len(component[0])): tmpCompo.addState(component[0][index]) if len(component) > 1: tmpCompo.addBond(component[1]) if not tmp.contains(component[0][0]): tmp.addComponent(tmpCompo) if not self.contains(tag): self.molecules.append(tmp)
[docs] def extend(self, species, update=True): if len(self.molecules) == len(species.molecules): list1 = sorted(self.molecules, key=lambda x: len(x.components)) list1 = sorted(list1, key=lambda x: list2 = sorted(species.molecules, key=lambda x: len(x.components)) list2 = sorted(list2, key=lambda x: for selement, oelement in zip(list1, list2): cocomponents = Counter([ for x in oelement.components]) for component in oelement.components: refcomponents = Counter([ for x in selement.components]) # theres not enough components in the base molecule of type 'component' if refcomponents[] < cocomponents[]: selement.components.append(component) else: for element in selement.components: if == element.addStates(component.states, update) else: for element in species.molecules: if not in [ for x in self.molecules]: self.addMolecule(deepcopy(element), update) else: bond1 = sum([x.bonds for x in element.components], []) bondList = [] for x in [z for z in self.molecules if ==]: bondList.append((x, sum([y.bonds for y in x.components], []))) score = 0 for x in bondList: if difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, x[1], bond1).ratio() >= score: score = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, x[1], bond1).ratio() molecule = x[0] # sortedArray = sorted(bondList, # key=lambda y:difflib.SequenceMatcher(None,y[1],bond1),reverse=True) # molecule = sortedArray[0][0] for component in element.components: if not in [ for x in molecule.components]: molecule.addComponent(deepcopy(component), update) else: comp = molecule.getComponent( for state in component.states: comp.addState(state, update)
[docs] def updateBonds(self, bondNumbers): newBondNumbers = deepcopy(bondNumbers) correspondence = {} intersection = [int(x) for x in newBondNumbers if x in self.getBondNumbers()] newBase = max(bondNumbers) + 1 for element in self.molecules: for component in element.components: component.bonds = [int(x) + newBase for x in component.bonds] """ for index in range(0,len(component.bonds)): if int(component.bonds[index]) in intersection: if component.bonds[index] in correspondence: component.bonds[index] = correspondence[component.bonds[index]] else: correspondence[component.bonds[index]] = max(intersection) + 1 component.bonds[index] = max(intersection) + 1 """
# intersection = [int(x) for x in newBondNumbers if x in self.getBondNumbers()]
[docs] def deleteBond(self, moleculePair): for molecule in self.molecules: if in moleculePair: moleculePairCopy = deepcopy(moleculePair) moleculePairCopy.remove( for component in molecule.components: if in [x.lower() for x in moleculePairCopy]: component.bonds = []
[docs] def append(self, species): newSpecies = deepcopy(species) newSpecies.updateBonds(self.getBondNumbers()) for element in newSpecies.molecules: self.molecules.append(deepcopy(element))
[docs] def sort(self): """ Sort molecules by number of components, then number of bonded components, then lowest numbered bond, then the negative sum of the bond index, then number of active states, then string length """ self.molecules.sort( key=lambda molecule: ( len(molecule.components), -min( [ int(y) if y not in ["?", "+"] else 999 for x in molecule.components for y in x.bonds ] + [999] ), -len([x for x in molecule.components if len(x.bonds) > 0]), -len([x for x in molecule.components if x.activeState not in [0, "0"]]), len(str(molecule)), str(molecule), ), reverse=True, )
# self.molecules.sort(key=lambda x:(-len(x.components),x.evaluateMolecule(), def __str__(self): self.sort() return ".".join([x.toString().replace("-", "_") for x in self.molecules])
[docs] def str2(self): self.sort() return ".".join([x.str2().replace("-", "_") for x in self.molecules])
[docs] def reset(self): for element in self.molecules: element.reset()
[docs] def toString(self): return self.__str__()
import pickle
[docs]class Molecule: def __init__(self, name): """ Initializes an empty molecule >>> str(Molecule('mol')) 'mol()' """ self.components = [] = name self.compartment = "" self.trueName = "" a = numpy.random.rand(10, 100) self.hash = hashlib.sha1(a).digest()
[docs] def copy(self): molecule = Molecule( for element in self.components: molecule.components.append(element.copy()) return molecule
[docs] def addChunk(self, chunk): component = Component(chunk[0][0][0][0]) component.addState(chunk[0][0][0][1]) self.addComponent(component)
[docs] def addComponent(self, component, overlap=0): """ Adds a component, optionally refusing to add a component if it already exists and sorting components by name --- Args: component (Component): component structure overlap (bool): check for overlap before adding >>> mol = Molecule('mol') >>> mol.addComponent(Component('gamma')) >>> mol.addComponent(Component('beta')) >>> mol.addComponent(Component('alpha')) >>> mol.addComponent(Component('alpha'), overlap=1) >>> str(mol) 'mol(alpha,beta,gamma)' >>> mol.addComponent(Component('alpha'), overlap=0) >>> str(mol) 'mol(alpha,alpha,beta,gamma)' """ if not overlap: self.components.append(component) else: if not in [ for x in self.components]: self.components.append(component) else: compo = self.getComponent( for state in component.states: compo.addState(state) self.components = sorted(self.components, key=lambda x:
[docs] def setCompartment(self, compartment): self.compartment = compartment
[docs] def getBondNumbers(self): bondNumbers = [] for element in self.components: bondNumbers.extend([int(x) for x in element.bonds]) return bondNumbers
[docs] def getComponent(self, componentName): for component in self.components: if componentName == component.getName(): return component
[docs] def removeComponent(self, componentName): x = [x for x in self.components if == componentName] if x != []: self.components.remove(x[0])
[docs] def removeComponents(self, components): for element in components: if element in self.components: self.components.remove(element)
[docs] def addBond(self, componentName, bondName): bondNumbers = self.getBondNumbers() while bondName in bondNumbers: bondName += 1 component = self.getComponent(componentName) component.addBond(bondName)
[docs] def getComponentWithBonds(self): return [ for x in self.components if x.bonds != []]
[docs] def contains(self, componentName): return componentName in [ for x in self.components]
[docs] def evaluateMolecule(self): try: return min([self.evaluateBonds(x.bonds) for x in self.components]) except ValueError: return 999999
[docs] def evaluateBonds(self, bonds): if len(bonds) == 0: return 9999999 return bonds[0]
[docs] def sort(self): self.components.sort(key=lambda x: (, self.evaluateBonds(x.bonds)))
def __str__(self): self.sort() tmp ="-", "_") if tmp == "0": return tmp if tmp[0].isdigit(): tmp = "m__" + tmp return ( tmp + "(" + ",".join([str(x) for x in self.components]) + ")" + self.compartment )
[docs] def signature(self, component): # tmpComponents = deepcopy(self.components) # tmpComponents.sort(key=lambda tmp ="-", "_") return ( tmp + "(" + ",".join( [ x.signature() for x in self.components if (, not in component ] ) + ")" + self.compartment )
[docs] def toString(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def str2(self): self.sort() self.components = sorted(self.components, key=lambda x: tmp ="-", "_") if tmp[0].isdigit(): tmp = "m__" + tmp return tmp + "(" + ",".join([x.str2() for x in self.components]) + ")"
[docs] def extend(self, molecule): for element in molecule.components: comp = [x for x in self.components if ==] if len(comp) == 0: self.components.append(deepcopy(element)) else: for bond in element.bonds: comp[0].addBond(bond) for state in element.states: comp[0].addState(state)
[docs] def reset(self): for element in self.components: element.reset()
[docs] def update(self, molecule): for comp in molecule.components: if not in [ for x in self.components]: self.components.append(deepcopy(comp))
[docs]class Component: def __init__(self, name, bonds=[], states=[]): """ Component initialization setting only the name field --- Args: name (str): The parameter name >>> [str(Component('test'))] ['test'] >>> [str(Component('1test'))] ['_1test'] """ = name self.states = [] self.bonds = [] self.activeState = ""
[docs] def copy(self): """ Returns an indepent copy of this component >>> c = Component('first') >>> c2 = c.copy() >>> = 'second' >>> [str(c), str(c2)] ['first', 'second'] """ component = Component(, deepcopy(self.bonds), deepcopy(self.states)) component.activeState = deepcopy(self.activeState) return component
[docs] def addState(self, state, update=True): """ Adds an state to this component, optionally become the active state. The method adds base state 0 if the state doesnt exist --- Args: state (str): A string representing the new state variable update (bool): A flag indicating whether it should become the new active state (default True) >>> c =Component('comp') >>> c.addState('first') >>> [str(c)] ['comp~first'] >>> c.addState('second', False) >>> c.states.sort() >>> [str(c), c.str2()] ['comp~first', 'comp~0~first~second'] """ if not state in self.states: self.states.append(state) if update: self.setActiveState(state) if not "0" in self.states: self.states.append("0")
# print 'LALALA',state
[docs] def addStates(self, states, update=True): """ adds a state list to this component, the active state will be the last component in the lsit ---- Args: states (list): list of states to add to this component >>> c = Component('comp') >>> c.addStates(['z1','z2']) >>> c.states.sort() >>> [str(c), c.str2()] ['comp~z2', 'comp~0~z1~z2'] """ for state in states: if state not in self.states: self.addState(state, update)
[docs] def addBond(self, bondName): """ Adds bond information to this component while checking that the bond doesn't already exist --- Args: bondName: Bond identifier to be associated to this component. Its partner is handled at the species level >>> c = Component('comp') >>> result = c.addBond('1') >>> [result, str(c)] [True, 'comp!1'] >>> result = c.addBond('1') >>> [result, str(c)] [False, 'comp!1'] """ # if len(self.bonds) == 0: # self.bonds.append('U') if not bondName in self.bonds: self.bonds.append(bondName) return True return False
[docs] def setActiveState(self, state): """ Sets the active state of the component if the state already exists --- Args: state: Sets the new active state >>> c = Component('comp') >>> c.addState('z1') >>> result = c.setActiveState('0') >>> [result, str(c)] [True, 'comp~0'] >>> result = c.setActiveState('nonexistant') >>> [result, str(c)] [False, 'comp~0'] """ if state not in self.states: return False self.activeState = state return True
[docs] def getRuleStr(self): tmp = if len(self.bonds) > 0: tmp += "!" + "!".join([str(x) for x in self.bonds]) if self.activeState != "": tmp += "~" + self.activeState return tmp
[docs] def getTotalStr(self): return + "~".join(self.states)
[docs] def getName(self): return
def __str__(self): tmp = self.getRuleStr() # edit to meet bng string requirements if tmp[0].isdigit(): tmp = "_" + tmp tmp = tmp.replace("-", "_") return tmp
[docs] def str2(self): tmp = if len(self.bonds) > 0: tmp += "!" + "!".join([str(x) for x in self.bonds]) if len(self.states) > 0: tmp += "~" + "~".join([str(x) for x in self.states]) if tmp[0].isdigit(): tmp = "_" + tmp return tmp
[docs] def signature(self): tmp = if len(self.bonds) > 0: tmp += "!+" if self.activeState != "": tmp += "~{0}".format(self.activeState) return tmp
def __hash__(self): return
[docs] def reset(self): self.bonds = [] if "0" in self.states: self.activeState = "0"
[docs]class Databases: def __init__(self): # dictionary contains molecule vs bionetgen structure defitions self.translator = {} self.synthesisDatabase = {} self.catalysisDatabase = {} self.rawDatabase = {} self.labelDictionary = {} self.synthesisDatabase2 = {} self.assumptions = defaultdict(set) self.softConstraints = False self.constructedSpecies = set([]) self.processName = ""
[docs] def getRawDatabase(self): return self.rawDatabase
[docs] def getLabelDictionary(self): return self.labelDictionary
[docs] def add2LabelDictionary(self, key, value): temp = tuple(key) temp = temp.sort() self.labelDictionary[temp] = value
[docs] def add2RawDatabase(self, rawDatabase): pass
[docs] def getTranslator(self): return self.translator