Source code for bionetgen.atomizer.utils.smallStructures

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May 30 11:44:17 2012

@author: proto
from copy import deepcopy
from lxml import etree
import re
from random import randint
from pyparsing import Word, Suppress, Optional, alphanums, Group, ZeroOrMore
from collections import Counter

[docs]def parseReactions(reaction): components = ( Word(alphanums + "_") + Optional(Group("~" + Word(alphanums + "_"))) + Optional(Group("!" + Word(alphanums + "+?"))) ) molecule = Word(alphanums + "_") + Optional( Suppress("(") + Group(components) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(",") + Group(components)) + Suppress(")") ) species = Group(molecule) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(".") + Group(molecule)) result = species.parseString(reaction).asList() return result
[docs]def readFromString(string): sp = Species() reactionList = parseReactions(string) for molecule in reactionList: mol = Molecule(molecule[0], "") if len(molecule) > 1: for idx in range(1, len(molecule)): comp = Component(molecule[idx][0], "") if len(molecule[idx]) > 1: for idx2 in range(1, len(molecule[idx])): if molecule[idx][idx2][0] == "~": comp.addState(molecule[idx][idx2][1]) elif molecule[idx][idx2][0] == "!": comp.addBond(molecule[idx][idx2][1]) mol.addComponent(comp) sp.addMolecule(mol) return sp
[docs]class Rule: def __init__(self, label=""): self.label = label self.reactants = [] self.products = [] self.rates = [] self.bidirectional = False self.actions = [] self.mapping = []
[docs] def addReactant(self, reactant): self.reactants.append(reactant)
[docs] def addProduct(self, product): self.products.append(product)
[docs] def addReactantList(self, reactants): self.reactants.extend(reactants)
[docs] def addProductList(self, products): self.products.extend(products)
[docs] def addRate(self, rate): self.rates.append(rate)
[docs] def addMapping(self, mapping): self.mapping.add(mapping)
[docs] def addMappingList(self, mappingList): self.mapping.extend(mappingList)
[docs] def addActionList(self, actionList): self.actions.extend(actionList)
def __str__(self): finalStr = "" if self.label != "": finalStr += "{0}: ".format(self.label) arrow = " <-> " if self.bidirectional else " -> " finalStr += ( " + ".join([str(x) for x in self.reactants]) + arrow + " + ".join([str(x) for x in self.products]) + " " + ",".join(self.rates) ) return finalStr
[docs]class Species: def __init__(self): self.molecules = [] self.bondNumbers = [] self.bonds = [] self.identifier = randint(0, 100000) self.idx = ""
[docs] def getBondNumbers(self): bondNumbers = [0] for element in self.molecules: bondNumbers.extend(element.getBondNumbers()) return bondNumbers
[docs] def copy(self): species = Species() species.identifier = randint(0, 1000000) for molecule in self.molecules: species.molecules.append(molecule.copy()) return species
[docs] def getMoleculeById(self, idx): for molecule in self.molecules: if molecule.idx == idx: return molecule
[docs] def addMolecule(self, molecule, concatenate=False, iteration=1): if not concatenate: self.molecules.append(molecule) else: counter = 1 for element in self.molecules: if == if iteration == counter: element.extend(molecule) return else: counter += 1 self.molecules.append(molecule)
# self.molecules.append(molecule) # for element in self.molecules: # if ==
[docs] def addCompartment(self, tags): for molecule in self.molecules: molecule.setCompartment(tags)
[docs] def deleteMolecule(self, moleculeName): deadMolecule = None for element in self.molecules: if == moleculeName: deadMolecule = element if deadMolecule == None: return bondNumbers = deadMolecule.getBondNumbers() self.molecules.remove(deadMolecule) for element in self.molecules: for component in element.components: for number in bondNumbers: if str(number) in component.bonds: component.bonds.remove(str(number))
[docs] def getMolecule(self, moleculeName): for molecule in self.molecules: if moleculeName == return molecule return None
[docs] def getSize(self): return len(self.molecules)
[docs] def getMoleculeNames(self): return [ for x in self.molecules]
[docs] def contains(self, moleculeName): for molecule in self.molecules: if moleculeName == return True return False
[docs] def addChunk(self, tags, moleculesComponents, precursors): """ temporary transitional method """ for tag, components in zip(tags, moleculesComponents): if self.contains(tag): tmp = self.getMolecule(tag) else: tmp = Molecule(tag) # for element in precursors: # if element.getMolecule(tag) != None: # tmp = element.getMolecule(tag) for component in components: if tmp.contains(component[0][0]): tmpCompo = tmp.getComponent(component[0][0]) # continue else: tmpCompo = Component(component[0][0]) for index in range(1, len(component[0])): tmpCompo.addState(component[0][index]) if len(component) > 1: tmpCompo.addBond(component[1]) if not tmp.contains(component[0][0]): tmp.addComponent(tmpCompo) if not self.contains(tag): self.molecules.append(tmp)
[docs] def extend(self, species, update=True): if len(self.molecules) == len(species.molecules): for selement, oelement in zip(self.molecules, species.molecules): for component in oelement.components: if not in [ for x in selement.components]: selement.components.append(component) else: for element in selement.components: if == element.addStates(component.states, update) else: for element in species.molecules: if not in [ for x in self.molecules]: self.addMolecule(deepcopy(element), update) else: for molecule in self.molecules: if == for component in element.components: if not in [ for x in molecule.components ]: molecule.addComponent(deepcopy(component), update) else: comp = molecule.getComponent( for state in component.states: comp.addState(state, update)
[docs] def updateBonds(self, bondNumbers): newBondNumbers = deepcopy(bondNumbers) correspondence = {} intersection = [int(x) for x in newBondNumbers if x in self.getBondNumbers()] for element in self.molecules: for component in element.components: for index in range(0, len(component.bonds)): if int(component.bonds[index]) in intersection: if component.bonds[index] in correspondence: component.bonds[index] = correspondence[ component.bonds[index] ] else: correspondence[component.bonds[index]] = ( max(intersection) + 1 ) component.bonds[index] = max(intersection) + 1
# intersection = [int(x) for x in newBondNumbers if x in self.getBondNumbers()]
[docs] def append(self, species): newSpecies = deepcopy(species) newSpecies.updateBonds(self.getBondNumbers()) for element in newSpecies.molecules: self.molecules.append(deepcopy(element))
[docs] def sort(self): """ Sort molecules by number of components, then number of bonded components, then the negative sum of the bond index, then number of active states, then string length """ self.molecules.sort( key=lambda molecule: ( len(molecule.components), -min( [ int(y) if y not in ["?", "+"] else 999 for x in molecule.components for y in x.bonds ] + [999] ), -len([x for x in molecule.components if len(x.bonds) > 0]), -len([x for x in molecule.components if x.activeState not in [0, "0"]]), len(str(molecule)), str(molecule), ), reverse=True, )
def __str__(self): self.sort() name = ".".join([x.toString() for x in self.molecules]) """ name = name.replace('~','') name = name.replace('~','') name = name.replace(',','') name = name.replace('.','') name = name.replace('(','') name = name.replace(')','') name = name.replace('!','') name = name.replace('_','') """ return name
[docs] def str2(self): return ".".join([x.str2() for x in self.molecules])
[docs] def reset(self): for element in self.molecules: element.reset()
[docs] def toString(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def extractAtomicPatterns(self, action, site1, site2, differentiateDimers=False): atomicPatterns = {} bondedPatterns = {} reactionCenter = [] context = [] # one atomic pattern for the state, one for the bond nameCounter = Counter([ for x in self.molecules]) nameCounterCopy = Counter([ for x in self.molecules]) self.sort() for molecule in self.molecules: moleculeCounter = ( nameCounter[] - nameCounterCopy[] ) nameCounterCopy[] -= 1 for component in molecule.components: if component.activeState != "": speciesStructure = Species() # one atomic pattern for the states speciesStructure.bonds = self.bonds if differentiateDimers: moleculeStructure = Molecule( + "%{0}".format(moleculeCounter), molecule.idx ) else: moleculeStructure = Molecule(, molecule.idx) componentStructure = Component(, component.idx) componentStructure.addState(component.activeState) componentStructure.activeState = component.activeState moleculeStructure.addComponent(componentStructure) speciesStructure.addMolecule(moleculeStructure) if ( componentStructure.idx in [site1, site2] and action == "StateChange" ): reactionCenter.append((speciesStructure)) else: context.append((speciesStructure)) atomicPatterns[str(speciesStructure)] = speciesStructure speciesStructure = Species() # one atomic pattern for the bonds speciesStructure.bonds = self.bonds if differentiateDimers: moleculeStructure = Molecule( + "%{0}".format(moleculeCounter), molecule.idx ) else: moleculeStructure = Molecule(, molecule.idx) componentStructure = Component(, component.idx) moleculeStructure.addComponent(componentStructure) speciesStructure.addMolecule(moleculeStructure) # atomicPatterns[str(speciesStructure)] = speciesStructure if len(component.bonds) == 0: # if component.activeState == '': atomicPatterns[str(speciesStructure)] = speciesStructure else: if component.bonds[0] != "+": componentStructure.addBond(1) else: componentStructure.addBond("+") if component.bonds[0] not in bondedPatterns: bondedPatterns[component.bonds[0]] = speciesStructure elif ( "+" not in component.bonds[0] or len(bondedPatterns[component.bonds[0]].molecules) == 0 ): bondedPatterns[component.bonds[0]].addMolecule( moleculeStructure ) if componentStructure.idx in [site1, site2] and action != "StateChange": reactionCenter.append((speciesStructure)) elif len(component.bonds) > 0 or component.activeState == "": context.append((speciesStructure)) for element in bondedPatterns: atomicPatterns[str(bondedPatterns[element])] = bondedPatterns[element] reactionCenter = [str(x) for x in reactionCenter if str(x) in atomicPatterns] context = [str(x) for x in context if str(x) in atomicPatterns] return atomicPatterns, reactionCenter, context
[docs] def graphVizGraph(self, graph, identifier, layout="LR", options={}): speciesDictionary = {} graphName = "%s_%s" % (identifier, str(self)) for idx, molecule in enumerate(self.molecules): ident = "%s_m%i" % (graphName, idx) speciesDictionary[molecule.idx] = ident if len(self.molecules) == 1: compDictionary = molecule.graphVizGraph( graph, ident, flag=False, options=options ) else: # s1 = graph.subgraph(name = graphName,label=' ') compDictionary = molecule.graphVizGraph( graph, ident, flag=False, options=options ) speciesDictionary.update(compDictionary) for bond in self.bonds: if bond[0] in speciesDictionary and bond[1] in speciesDictionary: if layout == "RL": graph.add_edge( speciesDictionary[bond[1]], speciesDictionary[bond[0]], dir="none", len=0.1, weight=100, ) else: graph.add_edge( speciesDictionary[bond[0]], speciesDictionary[bond[1]], dir="none", len=0.1, weight=100, ) return speciesDictionary
[docs] def containsComponentIdx(self, idx, dictionary): for molecule in self.molecules: for component in molecule.components: if component.idx == idx: return dictionary[idx] return None
[docs] def notContainsComponentIdx(self, idx): context = [] for molecule in self.molecules: for component in molecule.components: if component.idx not in idx: context.append(component) return context
[docs] def hasWildCardBonds(self): for molecule in self.molecules: if molecule.hasWildcardBonds(): return True return False
[docs] def listOfBonds(self, nameDict): listofbonds = {} for bond in self.bonds: mol1 = re.sub("_C[^_]*$", "", bond[0]) mol2 = re.sub("_C[^_]*$", "", bond[1]) if nameDict[mol1] not in listofbonds: listofbonds[nameDict[mol1]] = {} listofbonds[nameDict[mol1]][nameDict[bond[0]]] = [ (nameDict[mol2], nameDict[bond[1]]) ] if nameDict[mol2] not in listofbonds: listofbonds[nameDict[mol2]] = {} listofbonds[nameDict[mol2]][nameDict[bond[1]]] = [ (nameDict[mol1], nameDict[bond[0]]) ] return listofbonds
[docs]class Molecule: def __init__(self, name, idx): self.components = [], self.idx = name, idx self.compartment = "" self.uniqueIdentifier = randint(0, 100000)
[docs] def copy(self): molecule = Molecule(, self.idx) for element in self.components: molecule.components.append(element.copy()) return molecule
[docs] def addChunk(self, chunk): component = Component(chunk[0][0][0][0]) component.addState(chunk[0][0][0][1]) self.addComponent(component)
[docs] def addComponent(self, component, overlap=0): if not overlap: self.components.append(component) else: if not in [ for x in self.components]: self.components.append(component) else: compo = self.getComponent( for state in component.states: compo.addState(state)
[docs] def setCompartment(self, compartment): self.compartment = compartment
[docs] def getComponentById(self, idx): for component in self.components: if component.idx == idx: return component
[docs] def getBondNumbers(self): bondNumbers = [] for element in self.components: bondNumbers.extend([int(x) for x in element.bonds if x != "+"]) return bondNumbers
[docs] def getComponent(self, componentName): for component in self.components: if componentName == component.getName(): return component
[docs] def removeComponent(self, componentName): x = [x for x in self.components if == componentName] if x != []: self.components.remove(x[0])
[docs] def removeComponents(self, components): for element in components: if element in self.components: self.components.remove(element)
[docs] def addBond(self, componentName, bondName): bondNumbers = self.getBondNumbers() while bondName in bondNumbers: bondName += 1 component = self.getComponent(componentName) component.addBond(bondName)
[docs] def getComponentWithBonds(self): return [x for x in self.components if x.bonds != []]
[docs] def contains(self, componentName): return componentName in [ for x in self.components]
def __str__(self): self.components = sorted(self.components, key=lambda st: finalStr = if len(self.components) > 0: finalStr += "(" + ",".join([str(x) for x in self.components]) + ")" if self.compartment != "": finalStr += "@" + self.compartment return finalStr
[docs] def toString(self): return self.__str__()
[docs] def str2(self): self.components.sort() return + "(" + ",".join([x.str2() for x in self.components]) + ")"
[docs] def str3(self): return + "(" + self.components[0].name + ")"
[docs] def extend(self, molecule): for element in molecule.components: comp = [x for x in self.components if ==] if len(comp) == 0: self.components.append(deepcopy(element)) else: for bond in element.bonds: comp[0].addBond(bond) for state in element.states: comp[0].addState(state)
[docs] def reset(self): for element in self.components: element.reset()
[docs] def update(self, molecule): for comp in molecule.components: if not in [ for x in self.components]: self.components.append(deepcopy(comp))
[docs] def graphVizGraph(self, graph, identifier, components=None, flag=False, options={}): moleculeDictionary = {} flag = False """ if flag: graph.add_node(identifier,label=self.__str__(),name="cluster%s_%s" % (identifier,self.idx)) print("cluster%s_%s" % (identifier,self.idx)) else: print(identifier) graph.add_node(identifier,label=self.__str__(),name=identifier) moleculeDictionary[self.idx] = identifier return moleculeDictionary """ if len(self.components) == 0: graph.add_node(identifier, moleculeDictionary[self.idx] = identifier else: if not flag: s1 = graph.subgraph( name="cluster%s_%s" % (identifier, self.idx),, **options ) else: s1 = graph.subgraph(name=identifier,, **options) s1.add_node( "cluster%s_%s_dummy" % (identifier, self.idx), shape="point", style="invis", ) if components == None: tmpComponents = self.components else: tmpComponents = components for idx, component in enumerate(tmpComponents): ident = "%s_c%i" % (identifier, idx) moleculeDictionary[component.idx] = ident compDictionary = component.graphVizGraph(s1, ident) moleculeDictionary.update(compDictionary) return moleculeDictionary
[docs] def hasWildcardBonds(self): for component in self.components: if component.hasWilcardBonds(): return True return False
[docs] def distance(self, cMolecule): distance = 0 distance += 10000 if != else 0 for component1, component2 in zip(self.components, cMolecule.components): distance += not component1.bonds == component2.bonds distance += not component1.activeState == component2.activeState return distance
[docs] def compare(self, cMolecule): self.components = sorted(self.components, key=lambda st: cMolecule.components = sorted(cMolecule.components, key=lambda st: for c1, c2 in zip(self.components, cMolecule.components): if c1.activeState != c2.activeState: c1.activeState = "" if c1.bonds != c2.bonds: """ if len(c1.bonds) != len(c2.bonds) or '?' in c1.bonds or '?' in c2.bonds: c1.bonds = ['?'] else: c1.bonds = ['+'] """
[docs]class Component: def __init__(self, name, idx, bonds=[], states=[]):, self.idx = name, idx self.states = [] self.bonds = [] self.activeState = ""
[docs] def copy(self): component = Component(, self.idx, deepcopy(self.bonds), deepcopy(self.states) ) component.activeState = deepcopy(self.activeState) return component
[docs] def addState(self, state, update=True): if not state in self.states: self.states.append(state) if update: self.setActiveState(state)
# print('LALALA',state)
[docs] def addStates(self, states, update=True): for state in states: if state not in self.states: self.addState(state, update)
[docs] def addBond(self, bondName): if not bondName in self.bonds: self.bonds.append(bondName)
[docs] def setActiveState(self, state): if state not in self.states: return False self.activeState = state return True
[docs] def getRuleStr(self): tmp = if len(self.bonds) > 0: tmp += "!" + "!".join([str(x) for x in self.bonds]) if self.activeState != "": tmp += "~" + self.activeState return tmp
[docs] def getTotalStr(self): return + "~".join(self.states)
[docs] def getName(self): return
def __str__(self): return self.getRuleStr()
[docs] def str2(self): tmp = if len(self.bonds) > 0: tmp += "!" + "!".join([str(x) for x in self.bonds]) if len(self.states) > 0: tmp += "~" + "~".join([str(x) for x in self.states]) return tmp
def __hash__(self): return
[docs] def reset(self): self.bonds = [] if "0" in self.states: self.activeState = "0"
[docs] def hasWilcardBonds(self): if "+" in self.bonds: return True return False
[docs] def graphVizGraph(self, graph, identifier): compDictionary = {} if len(self.states) == 0: graph.add_node(identifier, else: s1 = graph.subgraph( name="cluster%s_%s" % (identifier, self.idx), ) if self.activeState != "": ident = "%s" % (identifier) compDictionary[self.activeState] = ident s1.add_node(ident, label=self.activeState) else: for idx, state in enumerate(self.state): ident = "%s_s%i" % (identifier, idx) s1.add_node(ident, label=state) compDictionary[state] = ident return compDictionary
[docs] def createGraph(self, identifier): return component, compDictionary
[docs]class States: def __init__(self, name="", idx=""): = name self.idx = idx
[docs]class Action: def __init__(self): self.action = "" self.site1 = "" self.site2 = ""
[docs] def setAction(self, action, site1, site2=""): self.action = action self.site1 = site1 self.site2 = site2
def __str__(self): return "%s, %s, %s" % (self.action, self.site1, self.site2)
[docs]class Databases: def __init__(self): self.translator = {} self.synthesisDatabase = {} self.catalysisDatabase = {} self.rawDatabase = {} self.labelDictionary = {} self.synthesisDatabase2 = {}
[docs] def getRawDatabase(self): return self.rawDatabase
[docs] def getLabelDictionary(self): return self.labelDictionary
[docs] def add2LabelDictionary(self, key, value): temp = tuple(key) temp = temp.sort() self.labelDictionary[temp] = value
[docs] def add2RawDatabase(self, rawDatabase): pass
[docs] def getTranslator(self): return self.translator
if __name__ == "__main__": sp = readFromString("A(b!1,p~P).B(a!1)")