Source code for bionetgen.atomizer.bngModel

import re, pyparsing, sympy, json
from bionetgen.atomizer.utils.util import logMess
from bionetgen.atomizer.writer.bnglWriter import rindex

from sympy.printing.str import StrPrinter

prnter = StrPrinter({"full_prec": False})

[docs]class Parameter: def __init__(self): # spec is ID, value, constant or not, units self.Id = None self.val = None self.cts = None self.units = None self.rxn_ind = None def __str__(self): if self.units is not None and self.units != "": return "{} {} #{}".format(self.Id, self.val, self.units) else: return "{} {}".format(self.Id, self.val) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class Compartment: def __init__(self): self.Id = None self.dim = None self.size = None self.cmt = None self.unit = None def __str__(self): if self.cmt is not None and self.cmt != "": txt = "{} {} {} #{}".format(self.Id, self.dim, self.size, self.cmt) else: txt = "{} {} {}".format(self.Id, self.dim, self.size) return txt def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class Molecule: def __init__(self): self.translator = {} self.initConc = -1 self.initAmount = -1 self.isConstant = False self.isBoundary = False self.compartment = None def __contains__(self, val): return val in str(self)
[docs] def parse_raw(self, raw): self.raw = raw self.Id = raw["returnID"] self.initConc = raw["initialConcentration"] self.initAmount = raw["initialAmount"] self.isConstant = raw["isConstant"] self.isBoundary = raw["isBoundary"] self.compartment = raw["compartment"] = raw["name"].replace(" ", "").replace("*", "m") self.identifier = raw["identifier"] self.conversionFactor = raw["conversionFactor"]
def __str__(self): if self.Id in self.translator: # str2 is molecule types? txt = "{}".format(self.translator[self.Id].str2()) else: txt = "{}()".format(self.Id) return txt def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class Species: def __init__(self): self.noCompartment = False self.translator = {} self.raw = None self.compartment = None self.Id = None self.initConc = None self.initAmount = None self.isConstant = None self.isBoundary = None self.isParam = False = None self.identifier = None self.conversionFactor = None self.isConc = False self.concCorrected = False
[docs] def parse_raw(self, raw): self.raw = raw self.Id = raw["returnID"] self.initConc = raw["initialConcentration"] self.initAmount = raw["initialAmount"] self.isConstant = raw["isConstant"] self.isBoundary = raw["isBoundary"] self.compartment = raw["compartment"] = raw["name"].replace(" ", "") self.identifier = raw["identifier"] if self.initAmount >= 0: self.val = self.initAmount elif self.initConc >= 0: # TODO: Figure out what to do w/ conc self.isConc = True self.val = self.initConc else: self.val = 0 self.conversionFactor = raw["conversionFactor"]
def __str__(self): trans_id = ( str(self.translator[self.Id]) if self.Id in self.translator else self.Id + "()" ) # handle conversion factor if self.conversionFactor is None: conv = "" else: conv = "" # conv = f"/{self.conversionFactor}" # decide if we are using a constant species mod = "$" if self.isConstant or self.isBoundary else "" if self.noCompartment or self.compartment == "" or self.compartment is None: if self.raw is not None: txt = " {}{} {}{} #{} #{}".format( mod, trans_id, self.val, conv, self.raw["returnID"], self.raw["identifier"], ) else: txt = " {}{} {}{}".format(mod, trans_id, self.val, conv) else: # we have a compartment in our ID # need to make sure it's correct if "@" in trans_id: if"(^@)", trans_id): # @X: or @X:: syntax if"^@[\S\s]*::", trans_id): trans_id = trans_id.split("::")[1] else: trans_id = trans_id.split(":")[1] else: # X@Y syntax trans_id = "@".join(trans_id.split("@")[:-1]) # removing identical compartments because # we'll be using @comp: notation comp_str = "@{}".format(self.compartment) if comp_str in str(trans_id): trans_id = str(trans_id).replace(comp_str, "") if self.raw is not None: txt = " @{}:{}{} {}{} #{} #{}".format( self.compartment, mod, trans_id, self.val, conv, self.raw["returnID"], self.raw["identifier"], ) else: txt = " @{}:{}{} {}{}".format( self.compartment, mod, trans_id, self.val, conv ) return txt def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class Observable: def __init__(self): self.Id = None self.type = "Species" self.compartment = None self.noCompartment = False self.translator = {} self.raw = None self.pattern = None self.skip_compartment = False
[docs] def parse_raw(self, raw): self.raw = raw self.Id = raw["returnID"] self.initConc = raw["initialConcentration"] self.initAmount = raw["initialAmount"] self.isConstant = raw["isConstant"] self.isBoundary = raw["isBoundary"] self.compartment = raw["compartment"] = raw["name"].replace(" ", "") self.identifier = raw["identifier"]
[docs] def get_obs_name(self): return self.Id
# if self.skip_compartment: # return self.Id # if self.noCompartment or self.compartment == "" or self.compartment is None: # return self.Id # else: # return "{0}_{1}".format(self.Id, self.compartment) def __str__(self): txt = self.type obs_name = self.get_obs_name() if self.pattern is None: if self.raw is not None: pattern = ( self.translator[self.raw["returnID"]] if self.Id in self.translator else self.raw["returnID"] + "()" ) else: pattern = self.Id + "()" else: pattern = self.pattern if self.noCompartment or self.compartment == "": txt += " {0} {1} #{2}".format(obs_name, pattern, else: # removing identical compartments because # we'll be usgin @comp: notation comp_str = "@{}".format(self.compartment) if comp_str in str(pattern): pattern = str(pattern).replace(comp_str, "") txt += " {0} @{2}:{1} #{3}".format( obs_name, pattern, self.compartment, ) return txt def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class Function: def __init__(self): self.Id = None self.definition = None self.rule_ptr = None self.local_dict = None self.replaceLocParams = False self.all_syms = None self.sbmlFunctions = None self.compartmentList = None self.time_flag = False self.adjusted_def = None self.volume_adjusted = False
[docs] def replaceLoc(self, func_def, pdict): if self.compartmentList is not None: if len(self.compartmentList) > 0: for comp in self.compartmentList: cname, cval = comp pdict[cname] = cval for parameter in pdict: func_def = re.sub( r"(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(parameter), r"\g<1>{0}\g<3>".format(pdict[parameter]), func_def, ) return func_def
[docs] def renameLoc(self, pname, rind): return "r{}_{}".format(rind, pname)
def __str__(self): fdef = self.definition if self.replaceLocParams: # check possible places, local dict first if self.local_dict is not None: fdef = self.replaceLoc(self.definition, self.local_dict) # or pull from the pointer to the rule itself elif self.rule_ptr is not None: if len(self.rule_ptr.raw_param) > 0: rule_dict = dict([(i[0], i[1]) for i in self.rule_ptr.raw_param]) fdef = self.replaceLoc(self.definition, rule_dict) # if we are not replacing, we need to rename local parameters # to the correct index if the function is related to a rule else: if self.rule_ptr is not None: # this is a fRate, check for local parameters if len(self.rule_ptr.raw_param) > 0: # gotta rename these in the function rule_dict = dict( [ (i[0], self.renameLoc(i[0], self.rule_ptr.rule_ind)) for i in self.rule_ptr.raw_param ] ) fdef = self.replaceLoc(self.definition, rule_dict) fdef = self.adjust_func_def(fdef) self.adjusted_def = fdef return "{} = {}".format(self.Id, fdef) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def adjust_func_def(self, fdef): # if this function is related to a rule, we'll pull all the # relevant info # TODO: Add sbml function resolution here if self.sbmlFunctions is not None: fdef = self.resolve_sbmlfuncs(fdef) if self.rule_ptr is not None: # TODO: pull info # react/prod/comp pass # This is stuff ported from bnglWriter # deals with comparison operators def compParse(match): translator = { "gt": ">", "lt": "<", "and": "&&", "or": "||", "geq": ">=", "leq": "<=", "eq": "==", "neq": "!=", } exponent = operator = translator[] return "{0} {1} {2}".format(, operator, exponent) def changeToBNGL(functionList, rule, function): oldrule = "" # if the rule contains any mathematical function we need to reformat while any( ["(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(x), rule) != None for x in functionList ] ) and (oldrule != rule): oldrule = rule for x in functionList: rule = re.sub("({0})\(([^,]+),([^)]+)\)".format(x), function, rule) if rule == oldrule: logMess("ERROR:TRS001", "Malformed pow or root function %s" % rule) return rule def constructFromList(argList, optionList): parsedString = "" idx = 0 translator = { "gt": ">", "lt": "<", "and": "&&", "or": "||", "geq": ">=", "leq": "<=", "eq": "==", } while idx < len(argList): if type(argList[idx]) is list: parsedString += ( "(" + constructFromList(argList[idx], optionList) + ")" ) elif argList[idx] in optionList: if argList[idx] == "ceil": parsedString += "min(rint(({0}) + 0.5),rint(({0}) + 1))".format( constructFromList(argList[idx + 1], optionList) ) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] == "floor": parsedString += ( "min(rint(({0}) -0.5),rint(({0}) + 0.5))".format( constructFromList(argList[idx + 1], optionList) ) ) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] in ["pow"]: index = rindex(argList[idx + 1], ",") parsedString += ( "((" + constructFromList(argList[idx + 1][0:index], optionList) + ")" ) parsedString += ( " ^ " + "(" + constructFromList( argList[idx + 1][index + 1 :], optionList ) + "))" ) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] in ["sqr", "sqrt"]: tag = "1/" if argList[idx] == "sqrt" else "" parsedString += ( "((" + constructFromList(argList[idx + 1], optionList) + ") ^ ({0}2))".format(tag) ) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] == "root": index = rindex(argList[idx + 1], ",") tmp = ( "1/(" + constructFromList(argList[idx + 1][0:index], optionList) + "))" ) parsedString += ( "((" + constructFromList( argList[idx + 1][index + 1 :], optionList ) + ") ^ " + tmp ) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] == "piecewise": index1 = argList[idx + 1].index(",") try: index2 = ( argList[idx + 1][index1 + 1 :].index(",") + index1 + 1 ) try: index3 = ( argList[idx + 1][index2 + 1 :].index(",") + index2 + 1 ) except ValueError: index3 = -1 except ValueError: parsedString += constructFromList( [argList[idx + 1][index1 + 1 :]], optionList ) index2 = -1 if index2 != -1: condition = constructFromList( [argList[idx + 1][index1 + 1 : index2]], optionList ) result = constructFromList( [argList[idx + 1][:index1]], optionList ) if index3 == -1: result2 = constructFromList( [argList[idx + 1][index2 + 1 :]], optionList ) else: result2 = constructFromList( ["piecewise", argList[idx + 1][index2 + 1 :]], optionList, ) parsedString += "if({0},{1},{2})".format( condition, result, result2 ) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] in ["and", "or"]: symbolDict = {"and": " && ", "or": " || "} indexArray = [-1] elementArray = [] for idx2, element in enumerate(argList[idx + 1]): if element == ",": indexArray.append(idx2) indexArray.append(len(argList[idx + 1])) tmpStr = argList[idx + 1] for idx2, _ in enumerate(indexArray[0:-1]): elementArray.append( constructFromList( tmpStr[indexArray[idx2] + 1 : indexArray[idx2 + 1]], optionList, ) ) parsedString += symbolDict[argList[idx]].join(elementArray) idx += 1 elif argList[idx] == "lambda": tmp = "(" try: upperLimit = rindex(argList[idx + 1], ",") except ValueError: idx += 1 continue parsedParams = [] for x in argList[idx + 1][0:upperLimit]: if x == ",": tmp += ", " else: tmp += "param_" + x parsedParams.append(x) tmp2 = ") = " + constructFromList( argList[idx + 1][rindex(argList[idx + 1], ",") + 1 :], optionList, ) for x in parsedParams: while ("(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(x), tmp2) != None ): tmp2 = re.sub( r"(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(x), r"\1param_\2 \3", tmp2, ) idx += 1 parsedString += tmp + tmp2 else: parsedString += argList[idx] idx += 1 return parsedString # This is where the changes happen # comparison operators sorted here fdef = changeToBNGL(["gt", "lt", "leq", "geq", "eq"], fdef, compParse) contentRule = ( pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.alphanums + "_") | "," | "." | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "^" | "&" | ">" | "<" | "=" | "|" ) parens = pyparsing.nestedExpr("(", ")", content=contentRule) finalString = "" if any( ["(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(x), fdef) != None for x in ["ceil", "floor", "pow", "sqrt", "sqr", "root", "and", "or"] ] ): argList = parens.parseString("(" + fdef + ")").asList() fdef = constructFromList( argList[0], ["floor", "ceil", "pow", "sqrt", "sqr", "root", "and", "or"] ) while "piecewise" in fdef: argList = parens.parseString("(" + fdef + ")").asList() fdef = constructFromList(argList[0], ["piecewise"]) # remove references to lambda functions if "lambda(" in fdef: lambdaList = parens.parseString("(" + fdef + ")") functionBody = constructFromList(lambdaList[0].asList(), ["lambda"]) fdef = "{0}{1}".format(self.Id, functionBody) # change references to time for time() while"(\W|^)inf(\W|$)", fdef) != None: fdef = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(inf)(\W|$)", r"\1 1e20 \3", fdef) # combinations '+ -' break bionetgen fdef = re.sub(r"(\W|^)([-])(\s)+", r"\1-", fdef) # pi fdef = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(pi)(\W|$)", r"\g<1>3.1415926535\g<3>", fdef) # log for log 10 fdef = re.sub(r"(\W|^)log\(", r"\1 ln(", fdef) # reserved keyword: e fdef = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(e)(\W|$)", r"\g<1>__e__\g<3>", fdef) # TODO: Check if we need to replace local parameters # change references to local parameters # for parameter in parameterDict: # finalString = re.sub(r'(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)'.format(parameter),r'\g<1>{0}\g<3>'.format(parameterDict[parameter]),finalString) # doing simplification try: sdef = sympy.sympify(fdef, locals=self.all_syms) fdef = prnter.doprint(sdef.nsimplify().evalf().simplify()) fdef = fdef.replace("**", "^") except: pass return fdef
[docs] def extendFunction(self, function, subfunctionName, subfunction): def constructFromList(argList, optionList, subfunctionParam, subfunctionBody): parsedString = "" idx = 0 while idx < len(argList): if type(argList[idx]) is list: parsedString += ( "(" + constructFromList( argList[idx], optionList, subfunctionParam, subfunctionBody ) + ")" ) elif argList[idx] in optionList: tmp = subfunctionBody commaIndexes = [0] commaIndexes.extend( [i for i, x in enumerate(argList[idx + 1]) if x == ","] ) commaIndexes.append(len(argList[idx + 1])) instancedParameters = [ argList[idx + 1][commaIndexes[i] : commaIndexes[i + 1]] for i in range(0, len(commaIndexes) - 1) ] for parameter, instance in zip( subfunctionParam, instancedParameters ): if "," in instance: instance.remove(",") parsedParameter = ( " ( " + constructFromList( instance, optionList, subfunctionParam, subfunctionBody ) + " ) " ) tmp = re.sub( r"(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(parameter.strip()), r"\1{0} \3".format(parsedParameter), tmp, ) parsedString += " " + tmp + " " idx += 1 else: if argList[idx] == "=": parsedString += " " + argList[idx] + " " else: parsedString += argList[idx] idx += 1 return parsedString param = subfunction.split(" = ")[0][len(subfunctionName) + 1 : -1] # ASS2019: There are cases where the fuction doesn't have a definition and the # following line errors out with IndexError, let's handle it. try: body = subfunction.split(" = ")[1] except IndexError as e: logMess( "ERROR:TRS002", "This function doesn't have a definition, note that atomizer doesn't allow for function linking: {}".format( subfunction ), ) raise e while ("(\W|^){0}\([^)]*\)(\W|$)".format(subfunctionName), function) != None ): contentRule = ( pyparsing.Word(pyparsing.alphanums + "_.") | "," | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "^" | "&" | ">" | "<" | "=" | "|" ) parens = pyparsing.nestedExpr("(", ")", content=contentRule) subfunctionList = parens.parseString("(" + function + ")").asList() function = constructFromList( subfunctionList[0], [subfunctionName], param.split(","), body ) return function
[docs] def resolve_sbmlfuncs(self, defn): modificationFlag = True recursionIndex = 0 # remove calls to other sbml functions while modificationFlag and recursionIndex < 20: modificationFlag = False for sbml in self.sbmlFunctions: if sbml in defn: temp = self.extendFunction(defn, sbml, self.sbmlFunctions[sbml]) if temp != defn: defn = temp modificationFlag = True recursionIndex += 1 break # AS-2021: temporary time fix until time function in # BioNetGen is fully fixed. # first check if we have time in the sbml function # time if"(\W|^)(time)(\W|$)", defn): self.time_flag = True defn = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(time)(\W|$)", r"\1TIME_\3", defn) # Time if"(\W|^)(Time)(\W|$)", defn): self.time_flag = True defn = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(Time)(\W|$)", r"\1TIME_\3", defn) # t if"(\W|^)(t)(\W|$)", defn): self.time_flag = True defn = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(t)(\W|$)", r"\1TIME_\3", defn) # old code for the same purpose # defn = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(time)(\W|$)", r"\1time()\3", defn) # defn = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(Time)(\W|$)", r"\1time()\3", defn) # defn = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(t)(\W|$)", r"\1time()\3", defn) # remove true and false defn = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(true)(\W|$)", r"\1 1\3", defn) defn = re.sub(r"(\W|^)(false)(\W|$)", r"\1 0\3", defn) # TODO: Make sure we don't need these # dependencies2 = {} # for idx in range(0, len(functions)): # dependencies2[functions[idx].split(' = ')[0].split('(')[0].strip()] = [] # for key in artificialObservables: # oldfunc = functions[idx] # functions[idx] = (re.sub(r'(\W|^)({0})([^\w(]|$)'.format(key), r'\1\2()\3', functions[idx])) # if oldfunc != functions[idx]: # dependencies2[functions[idx].split(' = ')[0].split('(')[0]].append(key) # for element in sbmlfunctions: # oldfunc = functions[idx] # key = element.split(' = ')[0].split('(')[0] # if'(\W|^){0}(\W|$)'.format(key), functions[idx].split(' = ')[1]) != None: # dependencies2[functions[idx].split(' = ')[0].split('(')[0]].append(key) # for element in tfunc: # key = element.split(' = ')[0].split('(')[0] # if key in functions[idx].split(' = ')[1]: # dependencies2[functions[idx].split( ' = ')[0].split('(')[0]].append(key) # fd = [] # for function in functions: # # print(function, '---', dependencies2[function.split(' = ' )[0].split('(')[0]], '---', function.split(' = ' )[0].split('(')[0], 0) # fd.append([function, resolveDependencies(dependencies2, function.split(' = ' )[0].split('(')[0], 0)]) # fd = sorted(fd, key= lambda rule:rule[1]) # functions = [x[0] for x in fd] # return functions # returning expanded definition return defn
[docs]class Rule: def __init__(self): self.Id = "" self.reactants = [] self.products = [] self.rate_cts = (None,) self.comment = "" self.reversible = False self.translator = {} self.raw = None self.tags = None self.model = None self.raw_splt = False self.symm_factors = [1.0, 1.0]
[docs] def parse_raw(self, raw): self.raw = raw self.raw_react = raw["reactants"] self.raw_prod = raw["products"] self.raw_param = raw["parameters"] self.raw_rates = raw["rates"] # self.raw_orates = raw['orates'] self.raw_num = raw["numbers"] self.raw_splt = raw["split_rxn"] self.reversible = raw["reversible"] self.Id = raw["reactionID"]
def __str__(self): if self.Id != "": txt = "{}: ".format(self.Id) else: txt = "" # reactants if len(self.reactants) == 0: txt += "0" else: for ir, react in enumerate(self.reactants): if ir != 0: txt += " + " if react[0] in self.translator: if self.tags is not None and not self.noCompartment: if react[2] in self.tags: tag = self.tags[react[2]] elif react[0] in self.tags: tag = self.tags[react[0]] else: tag = "" react_str = str(self.translator[react[0]]) if not react_str.endswith(tag): if "@" in tag: splt = react_str.split("@") tspl = tag.split("@") if splt[-1] != tspl[-1]: splt[-1] = tspl[-1] react_str = "@".join(splt) else: react_str = str(self.translator[react[0]]) else: if self.tags is not None and not self.noCompartment: if react[2] in self.tags: react_str = str(react[0]) + "()" + self.tags[react[2]] elif react[0] in self.tags: react_str = str(react[0]) + "()" + self.tags[react[0]] else: react_str = str(react[0]) + "()" else: react_str = str(react[0]) + "()" # Apply stoichiometry # FIXME: What to do if stoichiometry is not an integer for i in range(int(react[1])): if i > 0: txt += " + " txt += react_str # correct rxn arrow if self.reversible and len(self.rate_cts) == 2: txt += " <-> " else: txt += " -> " # products if len(self.products) == 0: txt += "0" else: for ip, prod in enumerate(self.products): if ip != 0: txt += " + " if prod[0] in self.translator: if self.tags is not None and not self.noCompartment: if prod[2] in self.tags: tag = self.tags[prod[2]] elif react[0] in self.tags: tag = self.tags[prod[0]] else: tag = "" prod_str = str(self.translator[prod[0]]) if not prod_str.endswith(tag): if "@" in tag: splt = prod_str.split("@") tspl = tag.split("@") if splt[-1] != tspl[-1]: splt[-1] = tspl[-1] prod_str = "@".join(splt) else: prod_str = str(self.translator[prod[0]]) else: if self.tags is not None and not self.noCompartment: if prod[2] in self.tags: prod_str = str(prod[0]) + "()" + self.tags[prod[2]] elif prod[0] in self.tags: prod_str = str(prod[0]) + "()" + self.tags[prod[0]] else: prod_str = str(prod[0]) + "()" else: prod_str = str(prod[0]) + "()" # Apply stoichiometry # FIXME: What to do if stoichiometry is not an integer for i in range(int(prod[1])): if i > 0: txt += " + " txt += prod_str if self.reversible and len(self.rate_cts) == 2: if self.model is not None: if len(self.model.param_repl) > 0: for prep in self.model.param_repl: if self.rate_cts[0] == prep: self.rate_cts = ( self.model.param_repl[prep], self.rate_cts[1], ) if self.rate_cts[1] == prep: self.rate_cts = ( self.rate_cts[0], self.model.param_repl[prep], ) else: if self.model is not None: if len(self.model.param_repl) > 0: for prep in self.model.param_repl: if self.rate_cts[0] == prep: self.rate_cts = (self.model.param_repl[prep],) if self.model is not None: # rate cts if self.reversible and len(self.rate_cts) == 2: # we need to check if the rate constant refers to an # observable and is alone if ( self.rate_cts[0] in self.model.obs_map or self.rate_cts[0] in self.model.observables ): r0 = "1*{0}".format(self.rate_cts[0]) else: r0 = "{}".format(self.rate_cts[0]) if ( self.rate_cts[1] in self.model.obs_map or self.rate_cts[1] in self.model.observables ): r1 = "1*{0}".format(self.rate_cts[1]) else: r1 = "{}".format(self.rate_cts[1]) txt += " {},{}".format(r0, r1) else: conv = "" if self.raw_splt: # we can handle conversion factors here # ensure we got the right type of 0 -> X rule if len(self.reactants) == 0 and len(self.products) == 1: prod = self.products[0] if prod[0] in self.model.molecules: if ( self.model.molecules[prod[0]].conversionFactor is not None ): conv = ( f"*{self.model.molecules[prod[0]].conversionFactor}" ) if ( self.rate_cts[0] in self.model.obs_map or self.rate_cts[0] in self.model.observables ): txt += " 1*{}{}".format(self.rate_cts[0], conv) else: txt += " {}{}".format(self.rate_cts[0], conv) comment = "" if self.raw is not None: comment = ( "Modifiers({0})".format(", ".join(self.raw["modifiers"])) if self.raw["modifiers"] else "" ) if comment != "": txt += " #{}".format(comment) return txt def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs]class ARule: def __init__(self): self.Id = None self.rates = None self.isAssignment = None self.isRate = None
[docs] def parse_raw(self, raw): self.Id = raw[0] self.rates = raw[1] self.isAssignment = raw[2] self.isRate = raw[3]
def __str__(self): return "{} {}".format(self.Id, self.rates) def __repr__(self): return str(self)
# Model objects done
[docs]class bngModel: """ Takes in atomizer stuff and turns everything into objects which can be used to print the final model """ def __init__(self): self.parameters = {} self.compartments = {} self.molecules = {} self.species = {} self.observables = {} self.rules = {} self.arules = {} self.functions = {} # self.metaString = "" self.molecule_ids = {} self.translator = {} self.obs_map = {} self.molecule_mod_dict = {} self.parsed_func = {} self.unitDefinitions = {} self.noCompartment = None self.useID = False self.replaceLocParams = False self.all_syms = None self.function_order = None self.sbmlFunctions = None self.tags = None self.add_time = False self.param_repl = [] self.obs_map_file = None self.used_in_rrule = [] def __str__(self): txt = self.metaString txt += "begin model\n" if len(self.parameters.values()) > 0: txt += "begin parameters\n" for param in self.parameters.values(): txt += " " + str(param) + "\n" txt += "end parameters\n" if not self.noCompartment: txt += "begin compartments\n" for comp in self.compartments.values(): txt += " " + str(comp) + "\n" txt += "end compartments\n" if len(self.molecules.values()) > 0: txt += "begin molecule types\n" for molec in self.molecules.values(): molec.translator = self.translator txt += " " + str(molec) + "\n" txt += "end molecule types\n" if len(self.species.values()) > 0: txt += "begin seed species\n" for spec in self.species.values(): spec.translator = self.translator if spec.Id in self.used_in_rrule: spec.isBoundary = False if isinstance(spec.val, str): spec.noCompartment = self.noCompartment txt += f"{str(spec)}\n" elif spec.val > 0 or spec.isConstant or spec.isBoundary: spec.noCompartment = self.noCompartment txt += f"{str(spec)}\n" txt += "end seed species\n" if len(self.observables.values()) > 0: txt += "begin observables\n" for obs in self.observables.values(): obs.translator = self.translator obs.noCompartment = self.noCompartment txt += " " + str(obs) + "\n" txt += "end observables\n" if len(self.functions) > 0: txt += "begin functions\n" if self.function_order is None: for func in self.functions.values(): func.sbmlFunctions = self.sbmlFunctions func.replaceLocParams = self.replaceLocParams # we need to update the local dictionary # with potential observable name changes if len(self.obs_map) > 1: if func.local_dict is not None: func.local_dict.update(self.obs_map) else: func.local_dict = self.obs_map if len(self.param_repl) > 1: if func.local_dict is not None: func.local_dict.update(self.param_repl) else: func.local_dict = self.param_repl if func.Id in self.parsed_func: func.sympy_parsed = self.parsed_func[func.Id] func.all_syms = self.all_syms txt += " " + str(func) + "\n" else: for fkey in self.function_order: func = self.functions[fkey] func.sbmlFunctions = self.sbmlFunctions func.replaceLocParams = self.replaceLocParams # we need to update the local dictionary # with potential observable name changes if len(self.obs_map) > 1: if func.local_dict is not None: func.local_dict.update(self.obs_map) else: func.local_dict = self.obs_map if len(self.param_repl) > 1: if func.local_dict is not None: func.local_dict.update(self.param_repl) else: func.local_dict = self.param_repl if func.Id in self.parsed_func: func.sympy_parsed = self.parsed_func[fkey] func.all_syms = self.all_syms txt += " " + str(func) + "\n" txt += "end functions\n" if len(self.rules.values()) > 0: txt += "begin reaction rules\n" for rule in self.rules.values(): rule.translator = self.translator rule.tags = self.tags rule.noCompartment = self.noCompartment rule.model = self txt += " " + str(rule) + "\n" txt += "end reaction rules\n" txt += "end model" return txt def __repr__(self): return str((self.parameters, self.molecules)) def _reset(self): self.molecules = {} self.molecule_ids = {} self.species = {} self.observables = {}
[docs] def consolidate_arules(self): """ this figures out what to do with particular assignment rules pulled from SBML. a) A non-constant parameter gets turned into a function b) Any species in the system can be modified by an assignment rule. This turns the species into a function which also requires a modification of any reaction rules the species is associated with c) rate rules get turned into syn reactions """ for arule in self.arules.values(): # first one is to check parameters if arule.isRate: # this is a rate rule, it'll be turned into a reaction # first make the entry in molecules if len(self.compartments) > 0 and not self.noCompartment: comp = list(self.compartments.values())[0].Id else: comp = None amolec = self.make_molecule() amolec.Id = arule.Id = arule.Id if comp is not None: amolec.compartment = self.compartments[comp] self.add_molecule(amolec) # turn the rate cts into a function nfunc = self.make_function() nfunc.Id = "rrate_{}".format(amolec.Id) # we need to divide by volume if we have a compartment if comp is not None: # we also need to check that the definition actually has # species that reside in a volume nfunc.definition = arule.rates[0] corrected = False if not nfunc.volume_adjusted: for mid in self.molecule_ids: if mid in arule.rates[0]: vol = self.compartments[comp].size nfunc.definition = nfunc.definition.replace( mid, f"({mid})/{vol}" ) corrected = True nfunc.volume_adjusted = corrected else: nfunc.definition = arule.rates[0] self.add_function(nfunc) # now make the rule if comp is not None: prod_id = "{}()@{}".format(arule.Id, comp) else: prod_id = "{}".format(arule.Id) nrule = self.make_rule() nrule.Id = "rrule_{}".format(arule.Id) nrule.products.append([prod_id, 1.0, prod_id]) nrule.rate_cts = (nfunc.Id,) self.add_rule(nrule) # add observable nobs = self.make_observable() nobs.Id = arule.Id = "rrule_{}".format(arule.Id) nobs.compartment = comp self.add_observable(nobs) # remove from parameters if exists # otherwise we can get namespace clashes # with observables if arule.Id in self.parameters: seed_val = self.parameters.pop(arule.Id).val else: seed_val = 0 # add species nspec = self.make_species() nspec.Id = arule.Id = arule.Id nspec.val = seed_val nspec.isConstant = False if comp is not None: nspec.compartment = comp self.add_species(nspec) self.used_in_rrule.append(nspec.Id) elif arule.isAssignment: # rule is an assignment rule # let's first check parameters if arule.Id in self.parameters: a_param = self.parameters[arule.Id] # if not a_param.cts: # this means that one of our parameters # is _not_ a constant and is modified by # an assignment rule # TODO: Not sure if anything else # can happen here. Confirm via SBML spec a_param = self.parameters.pop(arule.Id) # TODO: check if an initial value to # a non-constant parameter is relevant? # I think the only thing we need is to # turn this into a function fobj = self.make_function() fobj.Id = arule.Id fobj.definition = arule.rates[0] self.add_function(fobj) elif arule.Id in self.molecule_ids: # we are an assignment rule that modifies # a molecule, this will be converted to # a function if true mname = self.molecule_ids[arule.Id] molec = self.molecules[mname] # We can't have the molecule be _constant_ # at which point it's supposed to be encoded # with "$" in BNGL if not molec.isConstant: # we can have it be boundary or not, doesn't # matter since we know an assignment rule is # modifying it and it will take over reactions # this should be guaranteed molec = self.molecules.pop(mname) # we should also remove this from species # and/or observables, this checks for # namespace collisions. # TODO: We might want to # remove parameters as well if in self.observables: obs = self.observables.pop( self.obs_map[obs.get_obs_name()] = molec.Id + "()" elif molec.Id in self.observables: obs = self.observables.pop(molec.Id) self.obs_map[obs.get_obs_name()] = molec.Id + "()" # for spec in self.species: # sobj = self.species[spec] # # if == sobj.Id or molec if in self.species: spec = self.species.pop( elif molec.Id in self.species: spec = self.species.pop(molec.Id) if molec.Id in self.parameters: param = self.parameters.pop(molec.Id) # this will be a function fobj = self.make_function() # TODO: sometimes is not # normalized, check if .Id works consistently fobj.Id = molec.Id + "()" fobj.definition = arule.rates[0] if len(arule.compartmentList) > 0: fobj.local_dict = {} for comp in arule.compartmentList: cname, cval = comp fobj.local_dict[cname] = cval self.add_function(fobj) # we want to make sure arules are the only # things that change species concentrations if ( mname in self.molecule_mod_dict or molec.Id in self.molecule_mod_dict ): if mname in self.molecule_mod_dict: mkey = mname else: mkey = molec.Id for rule in self.molecule_mod_dict[mkey]: if len(rule.reactants) == 0 and len(rule.products) == 1: # this is a syn rule, should be only generating the species in question if mkey == rule.products[0][0]: if rule.Id in self.rules: self.rules.pop(rule.Id) else: # this is a more complicated rule, we need to adjust the rates for ir, react in enumerate(rule.reactants): if react[0] == mkey: # we have the molecule in reactants if len(rule.rate_cts) == 2: r = rule.reactants.pop(ir) fw, bk = rule.rate_cts rule.rate_cts = ( "{0}*".format(mkey) + fw, bk, ) else: r = rule.reactants.pop(ir) fw = rule.rate_cts[0] rule.rate_cts = ( "{0}*".format(mkey) + fw, ) for ip, prod in enumerate(rule.products): if prod[0] == mkey: # molecule in products if len(rule.rate_cts) == 2: # adjust back rate p = rule.products.pop(ip) fw, bk = rule.rate_cts rule.rate_cts = ( fw, "{0}*".format(mkey) + bk, ) else: # we can just remove rule.products.pop(ip) if len(rule.reactants) == 0 and len(rule.products): if rule.Id in self.rules: self.rules.pop(rule.Id) else: # this is just a simple assignment (hopefully) # just convert to a function fobj = self.make_function() fobj.Id = arule.Id + "()" fobj.definition = arule.rates[0] self.add_function(fobj) # we also might need to remove these from # observables if arule.Id in self.observables: obs = self.observables.pop(arule.Id) self.obs_map[obs.get_obs_name()] = fobj.Id # we also have to remove this from rules if arule.Id in self.molecule_mod_dict: mkey = arule.Id for rule in self.molecule_mod_dict[mkey]: if len(rule.reactants) == 0 and len(rule.products) == 1: # this is a syn rule, should be only generating the species in question if mkey == rule.products[0][0]: if rule.Id in self.rules: self.rules.pop(rule.Id) else: # this is a more complicated rule, we need to adjust the rates for ir, react in enumerate(rule.reactants): if react[0] == mkey: # we have the molecule in reactants if len(rule.rate_cts) == 2: r = rule.reactants.pop(ir) fw, bk = rule.rate_cts rule.rate_cts = ( "{0}*".format(mkey) + fw, bk, ) else: r = rule.reactants.pop(ir) fw = rule.rate_cts[0] rule.rate_cts = ("{0}*".format(mkey) + fw,) for ip, prod in enumerate(rule.products): if prod[0] == mkey: # molecule in products if len(rule.rate_cts) == 2: # adjust back rate p = rule.products.pop(ip) fw, bk = rule.rate_cts rule.rate_cts = ( fw, "{0}*".format(mkey) + bk, ) else: # we can just remove rule.products.pop(ip) if len(rule.reactants) == 0 and len(rule.products): if rule.Id in self.rules: self.rules.pop(rule.Id) else: # not sure what this means, read SBML spec more pass
[docs] def consolidate_molecules(self): # potentially remove unused ones # or EmptySet and similar useless ones turn_param = [] str_comp = [] to_remove = [] for molec in self.molecules: if molec not in self.molecule_mod_dict: if self.molecules[molec].isConstant: if not self.molecules[molec].isBoundary: turn_param.append(molec) continue mstr = str(self.molecules[molec]) if mstr not in str_comp: str_comp.append(mstr) else: # we already have this to_remove.append(molec) for torem in to_remove: self.molecules.pop(torem) for molec in turn_param: m = self.molecules.pop(molec) param = self.make_parameter() param.Id = m.Id # potentially we have some molecules set to parameters # already from atomizer, check for that first if in self.species: # check if we already got the param decision from atomizer sp = self.species[] if sp.isParam: # this means we already have a decision param.val = sp.val else: param.val = m.initConc if m.initConc > 0 else m.initAmount else: param.val = m.initConc if m.initConc > 0 else m.initAmount self.add_parameter(param) if in self.observables: self.observables.pop( elif m.Id in self.observables: self.observables.pop(m.Id) if in self.species: self.species.pop( elif m.Id in self.species: self.species.pop(m.Id)
[docs] def consolidate_observables(self): # if we are using compartments, we need # to adjust names in functions to match # with new observable names for obs in self.observables: obs_obj = self.observables[obs] oname = obs_obj.get_obs_name() self.obs_map[obs_obj.Id] = oname if oname in self.parameters: self.parameters.pop(oname)
[docs] def consolidate_compartments(self): if len(self.compartments) == 1: comp_key = list(self.compartments.keys())[0] comp = self.compartments[comp_key] if comp.size == 1.0: _ = self.compartments.pop(comp_key) self.noCompartment = True
[docs] def consolidate(self): self.consolidate_compartments() self.consolidate_arules() self.adjust_frate_functions() self.consolidate_molecules() self.consolidate_observables() self.reorder_functions() str(self) self.check_for_time_function() # self.adjust_volume_corrections() self.adjust_concentrations() self.print_obs_map()
[docs] def adjust_concentrations(self): # some species are given as concentrations # we need to convert them to amounts for spec in self.species: s = self.species[spec] if s.isConc: if s.compartment in self.compartments: comp = self.compartments[s.compartment] s.val = s.initConc * comp.size s.concCorrected = True s.isConc = False
# def adjust_concentrations(self): # # some species are given as concentrations # # we need to convert them to amounts # if not self.noCompartment: # for spec in self.species: # s = self.species[spec] # if s.isConc: # # pass # # s.val = s.val * 1e-9 # # import IPython;IPython.embed() # # conc = s.initConc * 6.022140857e23 * 1e-9 # conc = s.initConc # if s.compartment in self.compartments: # comp = self.compartments[s.compartment] # # s.val = conc * comp.size # s.val = conc # s.concCorrected = True # s.isConc = False # else: # s.val = conc # we need to convert to amount # if "substance" in unitDefinitions: # newParameterStr = self.convertToStandardUnitString( # rawSpecies["initialConcentration"], # unitDefinitions["substance"], # ) # newParameter = self.convertToStandardUnits( # rawSpecies["initialConcentration"], # unitDefinitions["substance"], # ) # conversion to moles # else: # newParameter = rawSpecies["initialConcentration"] # newParameterStr = str(rawSpecies["initialConcentration"]) # newParameter = ( # newParameter * 6.022e23 # ) # convertion to molecule counts # for factor in unitDefinition: # if factor["multiplier"] != 1: # parameterValue = "({0} * {1})".format( # parameterValue, factor["multiplier"] # ) # if factor["exponent"] != 1: # parameterValue = "({0} ^ {1})".format( # parameterValue, factor["exponent"] # ) # if factor["scale"] != 0: # parameterValue = "({0} * 1e{1})".format(parameterValue, factor["scale"]) # convert to molecule counts # # # get compartment size # if self.noCompartment: # compartmentSize = 1.0 # else: # compartmentSize = self.model.getCompartment( # rawSpecies["compartment"] # ).getSize() # newParameter = compartmentSize * newParameter
[docs] def adjust_volume_corrections(self): if self.noCompartment: return for rname in self.rules: rule = self.rules[rname] if (not rule.reversible) and (len(rule.reactants) > 1): react_set = set([react[0] for react in rule.reactants]) if len(react_set) > 1: # we have more than one type of reactant # we need to see if the rate law is a constant # and if so, we can adjust the volume correction # done by bionetgen by multiplying by the volume if rule.rate_cts[0] in self.parameters: # first pass test to see if this is a single constant # now we need the compartment volume # FIXME: what do we do if we have more than one compartment? react_names = [react[0] for react in rule.reactants] correction = False for react_name in react_names: if correction: break if react_name in rule.tags: if "@" in rule.tags[react_name]: comp_name = rule.tags[react_name].replace("@", "") if comp_name in self.compartments: comp = self.compartments[comp_name] vol = comp.size rule.rate_cts = (f"({rule.rate_cts[0]})*{vol}",) correction = True break elif rule.reversible and (len(rule.reactants) > 1): # we don't know what's going on with reversible reactions right now pass
[docs] def adjust_frate_functions(self): if not hasattr(self, "compartments"): return if len(self.compartments) == 0: return # import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() for rule_name in self.rules: rule = self.rules[rule_name] # if rule.raw_splt: # we are a split reaction and likely have fRate as our rate constant if "fRate" in rule.rate_cts[0]: # we got the fRate in the definition, let's get the value frate_search ="fRate.+\(\)", rule.rate_cts[0]) if frate_search: frate_name = # we got the name frate = self.functions[frate_name] if not frate.volume_adjusted: corrected = False for spec_name in self.species: # if frate.volume_adjusted: # break if spec_name in frate.definition: # means we got a volume to divide by # TODO: Wtf happens if this has multiple species sp = self.species[spec_name] comp = self.compartments[sp.compartment] vol = comp.size sub_from = r"(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(spec_name) sub_to = r"\g<1>({0}/{1})\g<3>".format(spec_name, vol) frate.definition = re.sub( sub_from, sub_to, frate.definition ) # frate.volume_adjusted = True # break corrected = True frate.volume_adjusted = corrected else: print(f"we couldn't find frate in {rule.rate_cts[0]}")
[docs] def print_obs_map(self): if self.obs_map_file is not None: obs_map = {} for obs in self.observables: obs_obj = self.observables[obs] if not in obs_map: obs_map[] = obs_obj.Id with open(self.obs_map_file, "w") as f: json.dump(obs_map, f)
[docs] def check_for_time_function(self): # see if SBML functions refer to time() in bngl # and if so add replace with an observable and # make a time counter reaction for func in self.functions.values(): # time if"(\W|^)(TIME_)(\W|$)", func.adjusted_def): self.add_time = True if self.add_time: break if self.add_time: self.add_time_rule()
[docs] def add_time_rule(self): if len(self.compartments) > 0 and not self.noCompartment: comp = list(self.compartments.values())[0].Id else: comp = None # add molecule amolec = self.make_molecule() amolec.Id = "time_" = "time_" if comp is not None: amolec.compartment = self.compartments[comp] self.add_molecule(amolec) # add observable nobs = self.make_observable() nobs.skip_compartment = True nobs.type = "Molecules" nobs.Id = "TIME_" = "TIME_" nobs.pattern = "time_()" if comp is not None: nobs.compartment = comp self.add_observable(nobs) # self.make_rule nrule = self.make_rule() nrule.Id = "time_rule" if comp is not None: prod = f"@{comp}:{}" else: prod = f"{}" nrule.products.append([prod, 1.0, prod]) nrule.rate_cts = ("1",) self.add_rule(nrule)
[docs] def remove_sympy_symbols(self, fdef): to_replace = { "def": "__DEF__", "lambda": "__LAMBDA__", "as": "__AS__", "del": "__DEL__", } for rep_str in to_replace: if"(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(rep_str), fdef): fdef = re.sub( r"(\W|^)({0})(\W|$)".format(rep_str), r"\g<1>{0}\g<3>".format(to_replace[rep_str]), fdef, ) return fdef
[docs] def reorder_functions(self): """ this one is to make sure the functions are reordered correctly, should be ported from the original codebase """ # initialize dependency graph func_names = {} dep_dict = {} for fkey in self.functions: func = self.functions[fkey] # this finds the pure function name # with or without parans ma ="(\W|^)(\w*)(\(*)(\w*)(\)*)(\W|$)", fkey) pure_name = func_names[pure_name] = func.Id if "fRate" not in func.Id: dep_dict[func.Id] = [] # make dependency graph between funcs only func_order = [] unparsed = [] frates = [] func_dict = {} # Let's replace and build dependency map for fkey in self.functions: func = self.functions[fkey] f = func.definition f = self.remove_sympy_symbols(f) try: fs = sympy.sympify(f, locals=self.all_syms) self.parsed_func[fkey] = fs except: # Can't parse this func if fkey.startswith("fRate"): frates.append(fkey) else: unparsed.append(fkey) continue func_dict[fkey] = fs # need to build a dependency graph to figure out what to # write first # We can skip this if it's a functionRate if "fRate" not in fkey: list_of_deps = list(map(str, fs.atoms(sympy.Symbol))) for dep in list_of_deps: if dep in func_names: dep_dict[fkey].append(func_names[dep]) else: frates.append(fkey) # Now reorder accordingly ordered_funcs = [] # this ensures we write the independendent functions first stck = sorted(dep_dict.keys(), key=lambda x: len(dep_dict[x])) # FIXME: This algorithm works but likely inefficient while len(stck) > 0: k = stck.pop() deps = dep_dict[k] if len(deps) == 0: if k not in ordered_funcs: ordered_funcs.append(k) else: stck.append(k) for dep in deps: if dep not in ordered_funcs: stck.append(dep) dep_dict[k].remove(dep) # print ordered functions and return ordered_funcs += frates self.function_order = ordered_funcs
# model object creator and adder methods
[docs] def add_parameter(self, param): self.parameters[param.Id] = param
[docs] def make_parameter(self): return Parameter()
[docs] def add_compartment(self, comp): # TODO: check if we really want this, this # replaces compartment in functions with their size self.obs_map[comp.Id] = comp.size self.compartments[comp.Id] = comp
[docs] def make_compartment(self): return Compartment()
[docs] def add_molecule(self, molec): # we might have to add molecules that # didn't have rawSpecies associated with if hasattr(molec, "raw"): self.molecule_ids[molec.raw["identifier"]] = if not in self.molecules: self.molecules[] = molec else: # TODO: check if this actually works for # everything, there are some cases where # the same molecule is actually different # e.g. 103 if not molec.Id in self.molecules: self.molecules[molec.Id] = molec elif hasattr(molec, "raw"): self.molecules[molec.identifier] = molec else: print("molecule doesn't have identifier {}".format(molec)) pass
[docs] def make_molecule(self): return Molecule()
[docs] def add_species(self, sspec): if not sspec.Id in self.species: self.species[sspec.Id] = sspec elif hasattr(sspec, "identifier"): self.species[sspec.identifier] = sspec else: print("species doesn't have identifier {}".format(sspec)) pass
[docs] def make_species(self): return Species()
[docs] def add_observable(self, obs): if not obs.Id in self.observables: self.observables[obs.Id] = obs elif hasattr(obs, "identifier"): self.observables[obs.identifier] = obs else: print("observable doesn't have identifier {}".format(obs)) pass
[docs] def make_observable(self): return Observable()
[docs] def make_function(self): return Function()
[docs] def add_function(self, func): self.functions[func.Id] = func
[docs] def make_rule(self): return Rule()
[docs] def add_rule(self, rule): # add this to keep track of molecule modifications # this will allow us to quickly loop over reactons # a molecule is a part of if the molecule gets # turned to a function for react in rule.reactants: if react[0] not in self.molecule_mod_dict: self.molecule_mod_dict[react[0]] = [] self.molecule_mod_dict[react[0]].append(rule) for prod in rule.products: if prod[0] not in self.molecule_mod_dict: self.molecule_mod_dict[prod[0]] = [] self.molecule_mod_dict[prod[0]].append(rule) self.rules[rule.Id] = rule
[docs] def make_arule(self): return ARule()
[docs] def add_arule(self, arule): self.arules[arule.Id] = arule