bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier package


bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.arial10 module

Character width dictionary and convenience functions for column sizing with xlwt when Arial 10 is the standard font. Widths were determined experimentally using Excel 2000 on Windows XP. I have no idea how well these will work on other setups. For example, I don’t know if system video settings will affect the results. I do know for sure that this module won’t be applicable to other fonts in general. //John Yeung 2009-09-02


Translate human-readable units to BIFF column width units

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.arial10.fitheight(data, bold=False)[source]

Try to autofit Arial 10

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.arial10.fitwidth(data, bold=False)[source]

Try to autofit Arial 10

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.compareModels module

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.componentGroups module

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.componentGroups.analyzeDependencies(componentStateCollection, state, moleculeName, molecules, dependencies)[source]
bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.componentGroups.askQuestions(inputfile, molecule, center, context=None)[source]
bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.componentGroups.componentStateSize(molecules, moleculeName, componentName)[source]

defines the program console line commands

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.componentGroups.detectDependencies(stateDictionary, molecules)[source]
bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.componentGroups.extractCenterContext(rules, excludeReverse=False)[source]
bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.componentGroups.formatComponent(state, tense)[source]

goes through a list of rules and creates a dictionary (molecules) of possible chemical states of its components

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.componentGroups.getContextRequirements(inputfile, collapse=True, motifFlag=False, excludeReverse=False)[source]

Receives a BNG-XML file and returns the contextual dependencies implied by this file

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.componentGroups.getMotifRelationships(stateDictionary, molecules)[source]
bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.componentGroups.getMutualExclusions(stateDictionary, molecules)[source]
bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.componentGroups.getRestrictedChemicalStates(labelArray, products, contexts, doubleAction)[source]

goes through a list of reaction center and their associated context and creates a dictionary of molecules of possible chemical states


Receives a molecule structure, returns a tuple detailing the state of the contained states

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.componentGroups.removeIndirectDependencies(dependencies, stateSpace, motifFlag=False)[source]

goes through the list of dependencies and search for those states that requires more than 1 condition. If true, it will check if any of the set of prerequirements is a sufficient conditions for any of the other prerequirements to be valid. If true it will remove those redundant prerequirements them


returns a molecule/component pair/relationship hierarchy @param a molecule/relationship/component pair hierarchy

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.componentGroups.reverseState(moleculeName, state, molecules)[source]

sorts a dictionary of chemicalStates into a dictionary of molecules of chemicalStates of their associated-same-molecule-components (and their states)

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.parameterExtraction module

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.postAnalysis module

class bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.postAnalysis.ModelLearning(fileName, rawFileName=None)[source]

Bases: object


Analyzes a system of molecules with redundant bonds between them (more than one path between any two nodes in the system). The function attemps to score the bonds by looking out for partial competition relationships (e.g. the presence of one component excludes the activation of another, but in the other direction we see independence) which are less likely to occur than a fully independence relationship. The method will thus nominate such edges for deletion if the overall systems still forms a fully connected graph after the bond removal.


recives a dict arranged by molecule->componentPair->dependency

organizes molecule pairs by a concept called ‘motif’


returns the reactions in the system classified by context-component motif pairs. e.g. a requirement,nullrequirement motif pair is a pair of components A->B such that B needs for A to be activated to activate, whereas A needs for B to be inactivated to activate.

getDifference(pattern1, pattern2, translator)[source]
getMotifFromPair(molecule, component1, component2)[source]
getPairsFromMotif(motif1, motif2, excludedComponents)[source]
getParticipatingReactions(molecule, componentPair, reactionDictionary)[source]
processContextMotifInformation(assumptionList, database)[source]

TODO: we need some way to evaluate the confidence in a bond based on context information


defines the program console line commands

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.postAnalysis.resolveEntry(dependencyGraph, moleculeSet)[source]

resolve an entry to its basic components according to dependency graph >>> dependencyGraph = {‘EGF_EGFR_2’:[[‘EGF_EGFR’,’EGF_EGFR’]],’EGF_EGFR’:[[‘EGF’,’EGFR’]],’EGFR’:[],’EGF’:[]} >>> resolveEntry(dependencyGraph, [‘EGF_EGFR_2’]) [‘EGF’, ‘EGFR’, ‘EGF’, ‘EGFR’]


bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.stateTransitionDiagram module

bionetgen.atomizer.rulifier.stdgraph module

Module contents