Source code for bionetgen.atomizer.atomizer.atomizationAux

from pyparsing import Word, Suppress, Optional, alphanums, Group, ZeroOrMore
from bionetgen.atomizer.utils.util import pmemoize as memoize

[docs]class CycleError(Exception): """Exception raised for errors in the input. Attributes: expr -- input expression in which the error occurred msg -- explanation of the error """ def __init__(self, memory): self.memory = memory
[docs]def addToDependencyGraph(dependencyGraph, label, value): if label not in dependencyGraph: dependencyGraph[label] = [] if value not in dependencyGraph[label] and value != []: dependencyGraph[label].append(value)
[docs]def getURIFromSBML(moleculeName, parser, filterString=None): """ filters a list of URI's so that we get only filterString ID's """ annotationList = [] if parser: annotations = parser.getSpeciesAnnotation() if annotations[moleculeName]: for annotation in annotations[moleculeName]: annotationList.extend(getAnnotations(annotation)) if filterString: annotationList = [ x for x in annotationList if any(filterstr in x for filterstr in filterString) ] return annotationList
[docs]def addAssumptions(assumptionType, assumption, assumptions): assumptions[assumptionType].add(assumption)
speciesNameGrammar = ( Word(alphanums + "_" + ":#-") + Suppress("()") + Optional(Suppress("@" + Word(alphanums + "_-"))) ) + ZeroOrMore( Suppress("+") + Word(alphanums + "_" + ":#-") + Suppress("()") + Optional(Suppress("@" + Word(alphanums + "_-"))) ) nameGrammar = Word(alphanums + "_-") + ":" rateGrammar = Word("-" + alphanums + "()") grammar = Suppress(Optional(nameGrammar)) + ( (Group(speciesNameGrammar) | "0") + Suppress(Optional("<") + "->") + (Group(speciesNameGrammar) | "0") + Suppress(rateGrammar) ) ^ (speciesNameGrammar + Suppress(Optional("<") + "->") + Suppress(rateGrammar))
[docs]@memoize def parseReactions(reaction): """ given a reaction string definition it separates the elements into reactants and products >>> parseReactions('A() + B() -> C() k1()') [['A', 'B'], ['C']] >>> parseReactions('A()@EC + B()@PM -> C()@PM k1()') [['A', 'B'], ['C']] >>> parseReactions('0 -> A() k1()') ['0', ['A']] """ result = grammar.parseString(reaction).asList() if len(result) < 2: result = [result, []] if "<->" in reaction and len(result[0]) == 1 and len(result[1]) == 2: result2 = [result[1], result[0]] result = result2 return result
[docs]def getAnnotations(annotation): """ parses a libsbml.XMLAttributes annotation object into a list of annotations """ annotationDictionary = [] if annotation == [] or annotation is None: return [] for index in range(0, annotation.getNumAttributes()): annotationDictionary.append(annotation.getValue(index)) return annotationDictionary